A.D. should get rid of Mackovic now, or be fired along with him
I am familiar with Cedric Dempsey (who hired coach Lute Olson) as my athletic director. This was the single best hire the university has made since its inception. In contrast, coach Mackovic must be the worst hire the UA has made since its inception. The athletic director must have the balls to admit his mistake and fire coach Mackovic or the President should fire them both.
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Raising tuition a necessity
Times are tough ÷ classes are being cut, students are being forced to postpone their graduations due to overcrowded classes and we've even lost a Nobel Prize-winning professor.
We need to raise tuition and financial aid.
The university and the state are struggling through hard financial times. The state cut the UA budget by nearly $17 million last year and is poised to do it again this year. These cuts primarily affect the UA's general fund, which pays for programs like the humanities that attract few private dollars.
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Soil to market: High time to lift the hemp ban
The United States is lagging behind the current trend of industrial hemp production. More than 25 countries rack in nearly $1 billion a year from the sale of hemp-based products. Due to the marijuana ban of 1937, U.S. farms have been prohibited from growing the crop that both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson avidly cultivated.
For starters, let's make it clear that hemp is not marijuana. According to Hemptech, the Industrial Hemp Information Network, Marijuana contains 3-15 percent of the psychoactive chemical delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Its distant cousin, hemp, only has one percent or less THC. Hemp has never been grown for any psychoactive affects, but rather for its fiber. Even if one smoked 100 hemp cigarettes, they would experience no euphoric effects.
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