ÎI failed to meet my own standards'
Mackovic regrets his Îinappropriate' remarks to team, but will not resign
Head football coach John Mackovic apologized at a press conference yesterday afternoon for his inappropriate conduct, after a series of comments he directed at his team led a large contingent of players to meet with President Pete Likins.
Contrary to speculation leading up to the press conference, Mackovic did not resign. But he did admit to making comments that led his players to air their concerns to the university's highest authority, and apologized for his "inappropriate" behavior.
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Threats up after killings
Officials have no count, but note an increase in reports and concerns of threats since shootings
Campus police and the dean of students have noted an increase in calls from faculty, staff and students who are more concerned for their safety after the murders at the College of Nursing on Oct. 28.
Associate dean of students Veda Kowalski said that in her office, the phone has been ringing frequently with reports of threatening behavior.
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31 credits to make up time
After crashing his motorcycle into a curb at 70 miles per hour in February, senior Tony Davenport got to his feet to assess the damage to his bike.
Although he didn't immediately notice his three broken leg bones and torn pectoral muscle, he had to drop his classes last spring to go through therapy for his injuries.
So this semester, Davenport, a physical education major and U.S. Marine, is taking 13 classes totaling 31 credit hours.
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Student senator: UA must install adequate lighting
Student senator Travis Pritchett proposed enhancing outdoor lighting across campus at a student government meeting last night.
Pritchett proposed adding more lighting at 17 locations, including the Cochise Residence Hall, Gould-Simpson building, Modern Languages building, Science-Engineering Library and various campus parking lots.
Pritchett has been working on campus lighting since the beginning of the semester, picking up where last year's senate left off.
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On the Spot
Accounting junior doesn't want to do your taxes, but very well might eat the planet she lives on
WILDCAT: Are you a big number cruncher?
BUCKWALTER: I enjoy numbers, but I don't think that it's my strong suit.
WILDCAT: And you're gonna be an accountant?
BUCKWALTER: Well, it's not all numbers. It's an analysis of financial statements and whatever.
WILDCAT: So, you want to do my taxes?
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U-WIRE: Colleges catering to minorities receive $90M in federal grants
WASHINGTON ÷ The U.S. government granted $90 million to 81 selected colleges and universities nationwide last week in an effort to increase funding for schools that cater to disadvantaged and predominantly minority students. Federal lawmakers hope the increased funding will help level the playing field with neighboring colleges operating with a greater budget.
The grants are awarded under the Strengthening Institutions Program, a result of the Higher Education Act and the Minority Science and Engineering Improvement Program. These programs aim to help eligible schools attract and retain students by allowing them to update technology, offer faculty training and facility improvements.
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U-WIRE: Study indicates many students drink excessively at celebrations
BATON ROUGE, La. ÷ There is something about a combination of football games, holidays and the end of finals week that makes many college students want to get drunk, a study recently revealed.
Michigan State University researchers recently released findings saying students who normally do not consume excessive amounts of alcohol do so when they feel a celebration is in order. It is a trend they called "celebratory drinking."
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Fast facts:
Presidents George Washington and John Adams had to employ protection money ÷ paying off certain pirates in the Mediterranean Sea with several million dollars ÷ while Congress debated the creation of a U.S. Navy.
Nanotechnology has produced a guitar no bigger than a blood cell. The guitar, 10 micrometers long, has six strummable strings.
"Diddle for the middle" is a slang expression used for the start of a darts game. Opposing players each throw a single dart at the bull's eye. The person who is closest starts the game.
In Japan, the dragonfly symbolizes good luck, courage and manliness. Japanese warriors often wore the dragonfly emblem in battle.
In Atlanta, Georgia, it is illegal to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole or street lamp.
The Black Mission fig, the most popular variety of fig growing in desert areas, is so named because of its color and because it was the variety introduced in the California and southwestern Spanish missions.
On this date:
In 1851, Herman Melville's classic novel "Moby Dick" was published in New York by Harper and Brothers.
In 1864, during the Civil War, Union General William T. Sherman began his march through Georgia to the sea.
In 1889, newspaper reporter Nellie Bly set off on her quest to voyage around the world in less then 80 days.
In 1940, an air raid by about 500 German warplanes destroyed most of the English town of Coventry.
In 1964, Detroit Red Wing Gordie Howe set a National Hockey League record when he scored his 627th career goal in a game against Montreal.
In 1968, Yale University announced it was going co-educational.
In 1972, for the first time in its 76-year existence, the Dow Jones industrial average closed above the 1,000 mark at 1003.16.
"The issue is not acceptance but performance on the ground. Let the inspectors go in. I urge the Iraqis to cooperate with them and to perform, and I think that is the test we are all waiting for."
÷ U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, on news that Iraq accepted the U.N. resolution authorizing weapons inspectors in Iraq.
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