Crowd gets CatFest fever
Security tames crowd for rushing stage, fan eats Twinkie from drummer's rear
Concert-goers rushed the stage and one crowd member ate a Twinkie that was sticking out from between a band member's buttocks cheeks at Friday night's CatFest, which packed Centennial Hall with 2,456 people who came out to see Goldfinger, Authority Zero and Eleventh Hour.
Security was originally tight at the concert. Guards in bright blue and yellow shirts prevented all but a select few with wristbands from standing in the pit area in front of the stage.
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ResLife retires dorm recycling
Students will now be responsible for buying bins, gathering and dropping off recycling
The Department of Residence Life cut its recycling program this year, handing the job over to students in each residence hall to run instead of Residence Life employees.
Now, students must buy the recycling bins in their dorms, gather recyclables and truck them to drop off points.
Recycling may stop in dorms where there are no students willing to haul off materials.
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Fiesta Bowl crowns UA junior its queen
Jenny Rimsza, a UA business economics junior, was crowned the Clear Channel Outdoor Fiesta Bowl Queen at a gala held in Phoenix Friday night.
Rimsza one of four contestants for the title, and daughter of Phoenix mayor Skip Rimsza, said she was very excited to win the title.
"I did not actually expect to win," she said.
Nicole Pryde, a UA elementary education junior was one of the other three women in contention for the crown.
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UA readies $1M for grad student tuition waivers
Graduate students and UA administrators are looking to disperse $1 million in tuition waivers next year to improve retention of UA graduate teaching assistants, who are paid less than their peers nationally.
The Arizona Board of Regents freed up $1 million last semester that was previously unused by the Graduate College because of old restrictions.
Waivers used to be designated for out-of-state or in-state graduate students, but the regents decided to stop dividing up waivers based on residency, so now UA can now award more tuition waivers to in-state graduates.
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Genomics consortium plans to exclude public from meetings
Journalism professor urges taxpayers to watch firm's finances
A new, multimillion-dollar organization that is partially funded by taxpayer money plans to hold its meetings behind closed doors.
Directors of the Translational Genomics Consortium decided to base its organization in Arizona after the state wooed it here with more than $90 million in funding from state, city, country and tribal governments, the state's three universities, foundations and individuals.
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On the Spot: Nathan Swango
Freshman discusses potential work aspirations, fine films, Papa Smurf and rain clouds.
SWANGO: How do you get a job working for the Wildcat?
WILDCAT: You just go walk into the office and then they beg you to work for them. Would you like to work for the Wildcat?
SWANGO: Well, does it pay or is it volunteer?
WILDCAT: It pays and it pays mighty well. (Editor's note: Not really.) So why'd you choose media arts as a major?
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National College News
U. Wisconsin top party school ranking invites mixed reviews
(U-WIRE) MADISON, Wis. ÷ As University of Wisconsin officials continue spending millions of dollars and hours trying to change the school's reputation as a party school, a recent survey conducted by Princeton Review makes it seem this unofficial title will never change.
In the popular student survey, UW was again listed in the top 20 party schools, down one notch from last year to No. 10. Among the other top rankings that concern some UW officials are "reefer madness," "lots of hard liquor" and "lots of beer."
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Doctors blame drinking
(U-WIRE) LOS ANGELES ö Can putting out a list of party schools help lead students to believe that hard-core alcohol and drug use is OK? The American Medical Association thinks so and wants The Princeton Review, author of just such a list in an annual publication about the best colleges in the United States, to cease and desist.
The AMA recently condemned the review's list of the top-20 party schools in the United States as based on shoddy science, presented out of context and contributing to the acceptance of binge drinking and other forms of heavy drug use.
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Fast facts:
During the early 1920s, at the height of the inflation in the German Weimar Republic, one American dollar was equal to 4 trillion German marks.
"Hot cockles" was a popular game at Christmas in medieval times. It was a game in which the other players took turns striking the blindfolded player, who had to guess the name of the person delivering each blow. "Hot cockles" was still a Christmas pastime until the Victorian era.
Human reproduction follows lunar time rather than sidereal, or solar, time: Gestation is about 266 days ÷ nine lunar months ÷ and the menstrual period is one lunar month.
Famous writer Oscar Wilde bragged that he gave his talent to his work and saved his genius for his life.
Lenses were named during the thirteenth century for their vague resemblance in shape to lentils ÷ from the Italian word lenticchie for "lentils," which was later changed to the Italian lente for "lens." For more than 300 years, lenses were called "glass lentils."
A car operates at maximum economy, gas-wise, at speeds between 25 and 35 miles per hour.
On this date:
In 1492, navigator Christopher Columbus set sail before sunrise from Palos de la Frontera, Spain, at the head of three ships and a crew of about 90 men.
In 1922, radio's first full-length melodrama was presented on WGY radio in Schenectady, New York. Written by Eugene Walter, the melodrama was titled "The Wolf."
In 1979, "The Tonight Show" host Johnny Carson appeared on the cover of the Burbank, California, telephone directory.
In 1979, jai-alai player Jose Ramon Areitio threw the fastest ball ever recorded at a speed of 188 mph (301 kph). Jai-alai is a sport that originated in the Basque region of Spain and France, and it consists of throwing a ball through a long, curved basket against a wall.
In 1981, United States air traffic controllers went on strike, despite a warning from President Ronald Reagan that they would be fired.
In 1997, Iran's new president, moderate Muslim cleric Mohammad Khatami, took office with a message of peace to the world.
"He may be trying to change things, but his successes have been very few."
÷ Valentin Gomez, a leather belt peddler, on the progress of Mexican president Vicente Fox.