Angela Bonano art history senior
By Rebekah Jampoleo
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Wednesday November 27, 2002
Art history senior to make the big bucks on Turkey Day, then settle down with a mini-bird
WILDCAT: So, what are you doing for Thanksgiving?
BONANO: I'm staying here, actually.
WILDCAT: Oh, no! What are you going to do?
BONANO: I'm going to work and I'm going to cook dinner for myself.
WILDCAT: I'm so sad for you. But are you still going to cook turkey?
BONANO: Yeah. A small little turkey.
WILDCAT: A little mini-turkey, how cute. I wonder if they are just small naturally or if they are babies · let's not think about that.
BONANO: Well, it's like the leg, or you know.
WILDCAT: Where do you work?
BONANO: I work for Safeway.
WILDCAT: Well, you know what? I am boycotting Safeway on Thanksgiving, just because you have to work. That's terrible.
BONANO: No, I will get paid very well.
WILDCAT: That's good. So, when I was little, we would sometimes visit my best friend's family on Thanksgiving, and
she and I would dress up like pilgrims. Does this ring a bell or remind you of your childhood?
WILDCAT: You missed out. We thought we were so funny because we would make her brother be the turkey. Yeah, not funny. Back to you working on Thanksgiving. Are you sad that you don't get to see your family?
WILDCAT: Oh, that's nice.
BONANO: No, I love my family, but it's just better because, like I said, I can make lots of money.
WILDCAT: OK. Have you ever considered inserting your head into the rear of a turkey and wearing it as a hat?
BONANO: Probably not.
WILDCAT: Oh, my gosh, but it would be so incredibly funny! You could be like, "Look at me, I'm crazy turkey-head girl."
BONANO: Can't say I would.