Nikki Fink veterinary science junior
By Rebekah Jampole
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Wednesday December 4, 2002
Veterinary science junior says naked tanning and that Îtingly' sensation are attractive to many
WILDCAT: OK, so no offense, but you're not very tan. Do you tan often?
FINK: I was really tan. I haven't tanned in a while.
WILDCAT: You know, I've been in one of those beds, and they are freaky. I felt like I was being entombed.
FINK: A lot of people don't like them, but I don't have a problem with them.
WILDCAT: Now, do most people go naked?
FINK: A lot of people go naked.
WILDCAT: That can't be good. I mean, you're burning places that weren't meant to see the sun.
FINK: Yeah, you've got to start out low and work your way up.
WILDCAT: I just don't understand it. We live in Arizona. There is sun everywhere.
FINK: Some people just like it.
WILDCAT: Weird. So I see all these tanning lotions and I heard you talking about "tingly" ÷ what is that? I'm a little concerned.
FINK: The tingles make you get really really dark really fast, but it makes you burn for like an hour and then it turns your skin really dark.
WILDCAT: What? That is absurd. I mean, I've heard people say beauty is pain; that's insane. Yeah, they'll be thinking tinglers when they're 25 with wrinkles. Anyway, if you had to tan any color, and it can't be tan or bronze, what would it be?
FINK: Any color other than brown or bronze? You know, like green or purple, but not tan or bronze?
FINK: Um · I guess purple.
FINK: I have no idea.
WILDCAT: OK, well thanks so much for thinking about that.
FINK: You're welcome. Hey, don't make me look like an idiot, OK?