Thursday, April 22, 2004
UA Steel Band bangs with Trinidadian virtuoso
If any instrument has been maligned within Western music, it is the steel pan. Most American music fans are introduced to the instrument via the laid-back sounds of Jimmy Buffet. That's usually where the relationship stops. But the UA Steel Band is trying to take the pans out of "Margaritaville" and back into the concert hall where they belong.
Trinidadian steel pan virtuoso Liam Teague will perform with the UA Steel Band Sunday. Though many music fans may be unfamiliar with Teague's work, he is considered something of a phenomenon by pan fans. His range of musical styles extends beyond traditional Trinidadian music to encompass classical music and jazz.
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Electro-acoustic more than beep-beep
Admit it. The typical symphonic concert can get boring at times. Fortunately, professors in the music department know how to mix things up by allowing students to create music that goes against the norm, like electronic music.
A free concert of electroacoustic music will be held in Crowder Hall of the Music building, Tuesday at 7:30 p.m.
"The concert features works for live instruments and a variety of digital media ÷ the live instruments, including electric guitar, percussion, djembe, trumpet, violin, saxophone, bass and others," said music professor Craig Walsh, whose Music 442 students will be performing in the concert. "It is stylistically very eclectic."
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R' Aqua Net rocks the '80s ÷ hair and everything
If you grew up in the '80s, you remember the big hair, leather pants and, perhaps less importantly, the music.
R' Aqua Net is an '80s cover band that tries to bring back the styles and songs of the '80s by dressing up as some of the most recognizable icons from that time. Lead singer Kane Flint dresses up like Axl Rose from Guns N' Roses, bass player Jason Claybaugh's character is based on Nikki Sixx from Motley Crue, drummer James Couzens plays the character of Tommy Lee, and Randy Colell plays guitar and dresses up like Slash from Guns N' Roses.
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Jucifer ready for a big squeeze
For two people, Jucifer makes a lot of noise. The husband and wife duo from Athens, Ga., performs an elusive mix of dark, howling punk and intricate purring, grinding instrumentation. The couple's self-proclaimed "brutal live show" is driven with the aid of 14 speakers behind singer Amber Valentine's electric guitar. It's known to blow a fuse or two in small venues, but it promises to tear the roof off Club Congress tomorrow night. Valentine took the time to talk to the Wildcat before blowing it all out.
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The Soul of John Black is alive and well
It's pretty easy to categorize most bands these days. But that's not true of The Soul of John Black, a duo of musical geniuses that is exempt from categorization since it has created a genre of music all its own.
Conceived by vocalist and lead guitarist John "JB" Bingham (formerly of Fishbone) and bassist Christopher "CT" Thomas, the group was formed when the two met through a mutual friend in Los Angeles in 1997.
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What not to do in Tucson: How I was marked by God
This is the story of how I saw God on the red-hot end of a branding iron.
There's a bar on West Drachman Street and North Stone Avenue called the Meet Rack. It's owned by a man who officially changed his name to God. He sports a large, white beard with waxed and twisted mustache handlebars. He's pretty much how you might imagine that other God ÷ almighty and whatnot ÷ but his legs are a little skinnier.
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ÎPunisher' serves comic glee
There are several conspiracies about who runs Hollywood. Some people think it's the liberals. Others think it's the conservative right wing. I have come to the conclusion Hollywood is run by neither. That kid in your high school who collected comic books runs it.
In the last couple of years, there have been 8 bajillion comic book movies released. Most of them are your run-of-the-mill action movies with very little character development, simply because of the assumption that everyone knows the characters already.
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Steven Wright not depressed, just insane
Steven Wright is not what you would call an exuberant man. His deadpan monotone, constant pacing and brow-furrowing give the impression of a man looking for the right part of the ledge from which to jump.
Curiously, he is a comedian. And despite the impression he gives off, Wright swears he feels fine.
"I'm not depressed," Wright said. "I come off as depressed. I mean, even besides onstage. It's just something about my tone of voice, but I'm not depressed. I'm clinically insane and very happy."
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Music Reviews
Modest Mouse
Sounds Like: A brilliant indie rock group on meth.
See Also: Built to Spill, Ugly Casanova.
Good News
What makes an album epic? Does it have to be a journey for your senses?
Well, Modest Mouse is on Epic Records. Good News is an epic album for even more reasons.
It's got great range. From ferocious stompers ("Bury Me With It") to danceable stompers ("The View") to melancholy, well, nonstompers ("The Good Times are Killing Me"). Plus, they're promoting it on Target commercials. Totally epic.
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Tucson and Campus Calendar
"Sound and Fury"÷ Documentary on the challenges of being deaf. UofA Bookstore, lower level. 1:30 p.m. 626-7674
"Myths and Masquerades" ÷ Retired UA photography professor Judith Golden will discuss how the Southwest has influenced her work in this slide lecture. 5:30 p.m. Center for Creative Photography auditorium
Museum of Contemporary Art Design Lab ÷ Tucson architects discuss the local structures that have influenced their work. 6 p.m. 191 E. Toole Ave. R.S.V.P to 624-5019
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