CLAIRE C. LAURENCE/Arizona Summer Wildcat
One of the DJs from KAMP, a student-run radio station, spins out on the mall as students pass from class to class in late March. KAMP is one of the three student media sources on campus.
By Jesse Lewis
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
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The UA has three media outlets to keep students informed and entertained while attending the the university.
UATV-3, KAMP student radio and the Arizona Daily Wildcat help students keep up to date on current events, emerging music and quality student entertainment all year long.
All three media outlets employ student workers and volunteers, and anyone interested is encouraged to join.
"We are a club on campus; anyone who wants in is welcome to come," said Carson Blaker, KAMP DJ.
UATV-3, the UA's student-produced television channel, runs in the residence halls all day and all night. The station plays student-produced television shows as well as free, uncensored, just-out-of-theater movies.
Mike Camarillo, UATV and KAMP advisor, said that some shows that were on last year will return next year, such as "Daily Dose," a five-minute rundown of campus and national news.
UATV is also adding a new show, WildCast, a news show reporting on topics of interest to college students. It will cover topics from dorm life to UAPD's reaction to DUIs.
Camarillo also encourages anyone interested to get involved. Approximately 30 to 40 students volunteer for UATV and 10-12 students are employed by the news channel and receive a small stipend.
"Enough to have a decent lunch somewhere," Camarillo said.
What you hear here, you won't hear anywhere else. – Carson Blaker, KAMP DJ
These students are paid to run cameras and sit on the executive board.
Students appreciate UATV for showing free movies in the residence halls.
"I liked the uncensored movies; it's nice that they aren't edited," said Georgia Taylor, a music performance senior.
Some media arts students say that without UATV, there would not be many possibilities to show their work to other students.
"I think they are a great outlet for media arts students to show student films; without them it would be harder to show their films for free. It is a great way to let others see what we are doing," said Brandon Clay, a media arts senior.
Anyone interested in joining can attend a meeting beginning Aug 25 at 5 p.m. in Room 202 of the Family and Consumer Sciences building.
KAMP student radio is the free form radio station at the UA. Approximately 150 students volunteer at Kamp and 10-12 students are employed and receive a small stipend, as with UATV.
As a free form radio station, the DJs can play whatever they want and students can make requests that will actually be played, which differs from commercial radio stations that have set play lists to abide by.
The station plays music from N.E.R.D to Pink Floyd to the Juliana Theory.
"What you hear here, you won't hear anywhere else," Blaker said.
Shows' genres cover softcore and emo music, hip-hop and late-night "Heavy Fucking Metal."
Blaker said that if students are interested in music at all and want to either broaden their musical horizons or get to know a lot of different people who are interested in music, they are encouraged to join.
For anyone interested in getting involved in KAMP, the club meets on Wednesdays beginning Aug 25 at 5 p.m. in the Coati Room on the second floor of Park Student Union.
Students from KAMP and UATV have gone on to become anchorpersons on news programs in Arizona and other states, and one former student even went on to produce a show on E! Entertainment Television.
The final leg of Arizona Student Media is the Arizona Daily Wildcat. The paper is a student-produced and internally funded publication with a circulation of approximately 17,000.
More than 100 students work at the paper as advertising salespersons, reporters, editors, Web and print designers and cartoonists, among other positions
Most students read the paper at least once a week, and usually more.
"I read the paper every day," Taylor said.