Friday, November 14, 2003
Words Hurt
Greek forum addresses problem of stereotypes
Members of Theta Nu Xi multicultural sorority want students to know that words can hurt.
Theta Nu Xi's second annual "Create a Hate Free Zone" forum addressed the negative effects stereotypes and derogatory language can have on all groups of people.
"A lot of people don't realize how what they say can affect other people," said Priyanka Gupta, president of Theta Nu Xi.
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UA love story: When Harry met Flo
Fifty years ago today, Harry Fanning saw his future wife, Flo, walk down the stairs of the old library, now the Arizona State Museum.
"I saw her and (her friend) coming down the staircase," Harry said. "I asked where she was from, and it was Hawaii."
Harry and Flo were married five months later, and after graduating from the UA, they traveled around the world, looking for job opportunities.
But no matter where they were in the world, they always tried to return to the steps of the building where they first met on Nov. 14 in order to reenact their first encounter.
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Spring fling to stay at Rillito
Annual carnival will never return to Mall
For the first 26 years of its existence, Spring Fling took place on the UA Mall.
But for the last three years it has been held at Rillito Downs - and according to Spring Fling coordinators, that's where it's going to stay.
Tricia Domschke, public relations director for Spring Fling, said the primary reason why the carnival will never return to the Mall is because it would exclude people with disabilities from the event.
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Planning director awarded for efforts
Since administrators announced the elimination of the School of Planning last year, Barbara Becker has been fighting to save her school.
Although Becker, director of the School of Planning, said she feels like she's fighting a losing battle, her efforts are winning her honors.
Becker received a national award last month from the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning.
"There are many people who do wonderful things, but I gave the award to professor Becker in recognition of her heroic efforts this past year," said Wim Wiewel, who was president of ACSP at the time the award was given.
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UA-produced Ariz. stats book wins award
It's no longer necessary for students to spend hours flipping through reference books trying to locate information on Arizona public school expenditures or statistics on the poverty status of Arizona counties.
Students looking for Arizona-related statistics can now consult the award-winning 2003 Arizona Statistical Abstract, published by the UA's Economic and Business Research program.
The 700-page data handbook was nationally recognized when it received the Award of Excellence in Publications from the Association for University Business and Economic Research last month.
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On the spot
MCB senior is brain-dead, not too short to be a doctor and thinks interviewer could be better-looking
Wildcat: Hi, my name's Nathan and you're On the Spot. I have a question for you. Have you seen those girls - they wear those snow boots with their skirts? They're like, these brown, tannish snow boots and they wear them with their shorts or skirts.
Nieto: I think I know what you're talking about. But it doesn't really make sense 'cause wouldn't they be cold if they -
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Quotes from around campus and the world
"Unbelievable." - Jim Livengood, UA athletics director, after the UA earned its first Pac-10 home game win in three years.
"What's a good word to describe it? Orgasmic." - Undeclared junior Robert Skoby, member of the UA cheer squad, on the 'Cats' 27-22 win over Washington Saturday.
"I heard the girls were really hot." - Travis Fahey, pre-physiological sciences freshman, on other reasons for going to the "American Idol Jam."
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Things you always never wanted to know
In 1783, Captain Robert Jenkins displayed an ear pickled in brine before a Parliamentary committee in London. He identified the ear as his own, and charged that a Spanish patrol had cut it off while he was sailing in the West Indies. Appalled, the British declared war on Spain, resulting in the aptly-named "War of Jenkin's Ear" that expanded into the War of the Austrian Succession.
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