CLAIRE C. LAURENCE/Arizona Daily Wildcat
Junior gymnast Monica Bisordi led Arizona to an upset Friday over defending national champion UCLA by winning both the floor and beam events.
By Ross Hammonds
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Wednesday, January 21, 2004
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Name: Monica Bisordi
Year: Junior
From: San Mateo, Calif.
(Notre Dame H.S.)
In last weekend's upset of defending champs UCLA, Bisordi took individual event titles in both floor (9.900) and all-around (39.425). She finished fifth on the beam (9.875) and bars (9.800). This is Bisordi's second time as Wildcat Athlete of the Week.
Wildcat: You're one of the few repeat Athlete of the Week winners. How does it feel to have this honor bestowed on you for the second time?
Bisordi: It's really cool. I had no idea I was in the running for this kind of honor. (Laughs) I'm just out to do well.
Wildcat: What gets tired first in all-around gymnastics: arms or legs?
Bisordi: Probably legs, but all the girls will tell you I complain about everything after a meet. (Laughs) But legs definitely get tired.
Wildcat: What's your favorite event?
Bisordi: Beam. But I love the floor also because I love performing.
Wildcat: You broke your foot in September. What kept you going last semester?
Bisordi: That was my only serious injury ever ÷ knock on wood ÷ but watching the team work out while sitting on the sideline really kept me motivated to come back. I only had a month of training coming back from that, and everyone else had all semester to work. So my return was sudden and I had to work at a faster pace.
Wildcat: On the guys' rosters, it lists their height and weights. Isn't it sexist that women's sports only have height?
Bisordi: Not sexist! (Laughs) It's more of a good thing because some girls probably care about that. I don't really care, though.
Wildcat: What goals have you set for yourself this year?
Bisordi: Mainly to stay healthy because if you do that, then the rest comes easy. Obviously I want to make it to Nationals again, and this time I want friends to come. It was a great experience as an individual and as a team would be even better. We want to stay up in the rankings also. We're No. 1 in the Pac-10 now.
Wildcat: What's your favorite number? Don't say 10·
Bisordi: It's seven. It's kind of weird. I think it started in '97 when I made J.O. in the level 10 in club nationals. I placed seventh. Now it's lucky 13 because it's brought me success from here.
Wildcat: Do you ever play around in the pit of foam?
Bisordi: When I was little. Not so much recently. It's more of a safety precaution now for practice landings. I don't like using it so much anymore.
Wildcat: What comes to mind when I say "Fil"?
Bisordi: I assume you mean Fil (Torres)? (Laughs) That's my boyfriend, so that's probably what comes to mind. We've been together for about two years.
Wildcat: You're from the Bay. Are the Sharks going to win the Pacific division?
Bisordi: I hope so. I'm not really a hockey fan, but I cheer for the Sharks, so I think they will.
Wildcat: What's the worst stereotype the Gymcats have?
Bisordi: You're a gymnast, so you must be flexible. (Laughs) Sometimes we get compared with cheerleaders, which isn't a bad thing when people come and see when we perform and what we can do.
Wildcat: During performances, you have a smile and other funny poses. Is it that fun or is that trying to impress the judges?
Bisordi: (Laughs) You can't start your routine until you salute the judge. It's also a performance, so we have to at least look like we're having fun. When we compete, we bring it out on the floor. If you're comfortable, it shows, and the judges will sense you're having fun.
Wildcat: What's the best thing about Tucson?
Bisordi: The weather! It's always raining in California, so that's a nice change. Also, all of the people I've met and friends I've made. Having my boyfriend for support also helps.