Aaron Faucett A Step Back in Time coffee stand guy
By Nathan Tafoya
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Friday, September 3, 2004
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'Been here forever' coffee guy says he is a 'patriot' and can speak a little Spanish
Wildcat: So my name's Nathan and you're On the Spot. I think I'm running out of supposedly good ideas. I can hardly do this anymore.
Faucett: I know how you feel. I've been here forever too.
Wildcat: I heard you talking about Bush. You're an avid dis-supporter? What would you call it - un-supporter?
Faucett: Yeah. Patriot. Yeah, I'm a patriot. I don't know what that means. No, I do. Words lose their definitions after awhile.
Wildcat: Speaking of words, have you ever thought about how many words there are in the world? Like in books?
Faucett: Right, right.
Wildcat: Have you ever thought about that loss?
Faucett: Like there's too much information? It's just inundated and you don't care anymore?
Wildcat: I've always wanted to count how many words there are in the world right now.
Faucett: Yeah. I know there's around six and a half thousand different languages in the world.
Wildcat: Six and a half thousand?
Faucett: Yeah. I read that in Discovery Magazine.
Wildcat: Do you speak any other languages?
Faucett: I speak a little Spanish.
Wildcat: Like, 'Quieres café.'?
Faucett: Yeah.
Wildcat: What is it, 'Como crème.'?
Faucett: 'Como leche.'
Wildcat: Con azúcar.
- Interview by Nathan Tafoya