Monday, March 7, 2005
GPSC: Who's in? Who's out? Who cares?
I have always conceived of student governments as kind of like the air inside of an oxygen chamber - pretty important to those who are within but not of much value to those who are not.
The College of Medicine's recent decision to withdraw from the Graduate and Professional Student Council and further integrate with the Associated Students of the University of Arizona, however, has sparked renewed debate about the purpose, performance and function of student governments. That decision has also forced this columnist to reexamine his own views on student government when trying to determine whether the law school should follow suit by joining the medical school in its withdrawal from the GPSC.
[Read article]
Comic shouldn't have dissed Slipknot
I'm wondering what Mr. Padilla is so upset about. Did a juggalo steal your girlfriend? Did you get hit in the head with a two liter of Faygo recently?
Because those are the only reasons I can think of for your misinformed, disrespectful, and childish sentiments directed at Mr. Bruce and Mr. Utsler in your comic on Tuesday. I found the attacks to be in very bad taste and merely a reflection of your ignorance of the topics you choose to illustrate. There are thousands if not millions who listen to the "noise" you refer to and with at least four platinum records and another four gold I would guess that at least a few of those listeners have some self respect. They are successful without radio or video popularity because they connect with their listeners on levels that you would not begin to comprehend. The most offensive and confusing thing about your illustration was the drug references. This obviously demonstrates that you have no idea what you are talking about. There are a lot of things that have been traditionally cited as controversial or inappropriate in their music, but drug references minor as they are, are not among that list.
[Read article]
