Monday, April 18, 2005
A party of the people no more
By all accounts, the presidential inauguration celebration of Gen. Andrew Jackson was a wild affair. When Gen. Jackson of Tennessee defeated John Quincy Adams of Massachusetts in the election of 1828, the modern Democratic Party was born. That election, which has been described as the first triumph of the common man in American politics, pitted the moneyed interests of the Northeast against the rural interests of farmers and laborers from the South and West.
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Global lessons from a rock star
When most people drop $100 on a concert ticket, poverty is the last thing on their mind. Bono was probably aware of this, but that wasn't about to stop him from opening his audience's eyes to a great challenge that they might not have known they were facing. Last week's U2 concerts in Glendale Arena featured some great music, but they also had one unrelenting request: Keep your eyes on Africa.
While most people probably didn't feel like an entire continent had slipped their mind, one phrase seemed to catch everyone by surprise: "a tsunami a month." That's about how many people die preventable deaths in Africa day in and day out. Every month, Africa loses 160,000 people to disease and other effects of extreme poverty.
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Salaciously stripped of standards
After reading about the strip show for charity in Friday's Wildcat, I am reminded how standards and decency are disappearing in modern America. We are becoming a nation without convictions.
Would you respect your children for doing this? Should we encourage and reinforce a sex obsessed/addicted nation? Is this what we want for future generations? If no, then don't applaud such behavior.
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