Wednesday, July 6, 2005
U.S. needs to recognize threat of global warming
History was made by the 109th Congress on the 22nd of June. For the first time the Senate officially recognized the growing threat of global warming, declaring that action must be taken to address this problem by approving the resolution “Sense of the Senate on Climate Change.” Going against the administration’s policy of voluntary emission reductions, the Senate stated that mandatory cuts should be implemented to curb industrial pollution.
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Skirting sanity in Europe
Ever since the day I went to Europe, six weeks ago, I have been tired. It started out with the initial jetlag. But during the past three blurred-together weeks, my exhaustion has evolved ever closer to a constant state of dementia. Since June 14, I’ve rarely gotten more than three hours of sleep per night, smoked at least a pack of cigarettes a day, and done immeasurable amounts of damage to my brain, liver and lungs. My mind is numb and I am unable to socialize effectively. The only cure I have is the thought that now I’m 36,000 feet high, flying back to Tucson, merely a drunken pilot and a nosedive away from an icy fate in the North Atlantic Ocean. All of this doesn’t even mention that in just three weeks time, I have come as close as the hair on my chin to getting arrested three times.
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