Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Quagmires and scandals - oh my!
After this election, the one word I never want to hear again is the word tax, whether in its noun or verb form. But even if George Bush is re-elected and his version of the Gipper's trickle-down economics continues, that does not mean November 2nd is the last time we will hear about taxation. And I don't mean that we will continue hearing about taxes, because economists and political commentators are bemoaning the administration's "wayward" tax return policy.
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Editorial: Wall's presentation silences message
The Residence Hall Association erected the "Wall of Oppression" Sunday on the UA Mall adjacent to Old Main in order to promote Wednesday's UA Discusses Diversity program.
Though the wall was well-intended and is scheduled to be ceremoniously torn down tomorrow, RHA's efforts at raising awareness are inherently flawed.
The organization's creation, a colorful, eye-catching collection of painted cinder blocks that look like a fourth-grade art project gone horribly wrong, has littered the UA campus with slurs and epithets not even suitable for normal conversation, much less a 37-foot long wall located on a central part of campus.
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Distinction does exist between weapon types
In response to Josh Silverstein's Monday letter on the lifting of the "assault" weapons ban, Mr. Silverstein states, "To think that lifting the assault weapons ban enumerates your Second Amendment rights while not helping criminals is a slap in the face to common sense."
Can we assume, then, that he is against all things that could help criminals? Perhaps we should outlaw fast cars, or cars in general, because they could be used to "help criminals."
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