Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Freund talks science, funding with students
Grad students key, candidate says
Deborah Freund shared her passions for higher education and her commitment to research in yesterday's presidential candidate forums.
Because the UA is a Research I institution, Freund said, the university depends on graduate students and emphasized the need to ensure they have a proper working environment.
When Freund was asked how she would improve funding for graduate students, specifically with increasing stipends, she admitted it's a financial problem shared by all universities.
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Likins asks legislature to invest in education
Suggests part of
$1B surplus could go to higher ed.
PHOENIX - President Peter Likins asked lawmakers of the Arizona Senate Appropriations Committee yesterday to make an investment in the state's university system using part of Arizona's projected $1 billion budget surplus.
The amount of state funding for the universities has shifted dramatically in the last 30 years, Likins said. The amount the state contributed in the 1970s, as a percentage, was more than double the amount it gives today.
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'Price is Right' for student
For one UA student, last week's holiday weekend was a prosperous one spent in a Hollywood hot seat bidding his way to a huge prize package on one of America's most beloved game shows.
Frank Camp, a media arts senior, was one of 20 members of the UA chapter of the Alpha Phi Omega coed service fraternity who made a trip to a taping at the "The Price is Right" studio in Burbank, Calif., over the Martin Luther King Day weekend.
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Sorority becomes first to join police safety program
Community safety focus of partnership
About 25 Delta Delta Delta members met their designated police officer last night after becoming the first sorority to partner with the University of Arizona Police Department Liaison Program.
The girls sat in a semicircle around Kyle Morrison, a UAPD officer, and his black Labrador retriever Michael as Morrison introduced the liaison program and answered questions about speeding tickets, UA crime and sexual assault.
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Quick Hits
UA alum shares Vietnam experience during reading
A UA creative writing alumnus who was drafted during the Vietnam War will share of his experiences at a reading tonight.
Nonfiction writer Walker Thomas will show color slides and read from his book's manuscript "Notes from a Solitary" at 7:30 in the living room of Slonaker House.
He will talk about the process of getting published and will answer questions. Refreshments will be served.
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Spring brings space to res. halls
55 students evicted during fall semester
Even though it's spring semester, studio art sophomore Mandy Ehrlich, who came to the UA in the fall, has just met her new roommate and moved into Coronado Residence Hall.
Ehrlich is one of several UA students who were able to transfer dorms this semester because other students were evicted or moved out of their dorms.
Last semester the dorms were at capacity, with about 23 students living with their resident assistants, who typically live alone. These students were reassigned to different rooms after vacancies opened up.
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Gupta last candidate to appear at forums
India native has global education background
In the final round of the presidential candidate forums, Yash Gupta, dean and professor of operations management for the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California, will be the last candidate to speak to UA students and staff.
Gupta, who was born in India, served as dean and professor of Operations Management for the University of Washington from 1999 to 2004.
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Big bang of a lecture: Science, religion focus of talk series
Astrobiology theme of this year's lectures
In the wake of disgruntled mall preachers and the launch of the Pluto probe, two new lecture series aim to bridge the gap between science and theology.
The spring semester will play host to the Astrobiology and the Sacred series funded by the John Templeton Foundation, the Metanexus Institute and the St. Albert the Great Forum on Science and Theology sponsored by the St. Thomas More Catholic Newman Center.
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Fast Facts
Things you've always never wanted to know
Instruments record some half-million seismic or micro-seismic disturbances on Earth each year. One hundred thousand of those are felt, but only 1,000 cause damage.
Betsy, a chimpanzee at the Baltimore Zoo, has had 65 of her paintings sold - one of them going for $75. Congo, a chimp at the London Zoo, is not so "commercial" an artist as Betsy but has made over 400 paintings. If anyone tries to urge Congo to go on with a painting after he considers it finished, the chimp draws lines in all directions that, in effect, cross out and destroy the painting.
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