Thursday, January 26, 2006
Economics gives presidential candidates focus
When the four finalists for UA president were announced last week, economics majors like me homed in on one aspect - two of them have backgrounds in the field.
That background isn't superficial, either: Tom Campbell has a doctorate in economics from Chicago, arguably the top university for economics; Deborah Freund has a doctorate in the field from the University of Michigan and has served as distinguished professor of public administration and economics at Syracuse.
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What have your senators been doing for you?
On March 10 last year, UA students elected 10 of their peers as Associated Students of the University of Arizona senators and charged them with representing the student body in name and deed. With elections for next year's senate just around the corner, it is instructive to take a look at which senators have been most successful in accomplishing the goals they outlined in their platforms a little over a year ago.
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Editorial: ASUA 101
Candidates should learn before they seek to lead
A week ago, the race for next year's student government began. There wasn't a parade and no champagne was poured, but the event ushered in another season of renewed excitement coupled with the idealism only student elections are capable of showcasing.
Along with new applications for all elected offices in the Associated Students of the University of Arizona office, the season brings with it a mix of grizzled veterans, minor scandals and wide-eyed applicants lacking a single student government hair on their chins.
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New ticket policy most likely illegal
I am happy to see Arizona athletics and the Associated Students of the University of Arizona actively looking for ways to solve the problems of the student section. However, I believe the new policy of selling remaining open seats raises some legal issues.
The seats being sold before the game have already been sold and therefore cannot be sold again. Also, the policy states access could be denied to ticket-holders arriving late, thereby wasting the money spent on the ticket.
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