Thursday, January 26, 2006
When the four finalists for UA president were announced last week, economics majors like me homed in on one aspect - two of them have backgrounds in the field.
That background isn't superficial, either: Tom Campbell has a doctorate in economics from Chicago, arguably the top university for economics; Deborah Freund has a doctorate in the field from the University of Michigan and has served as distinguished professor of public administration and economics at Syracuse.
[Read article]
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Latest Issue: January 26, 2006
Latest Issue: December 6, 2005
Fire twirling, sword swallowing on club's weekly agenda
There's a little pyromaniac in all of us. Blame our caveman
instincts, but our fascination with this force of nature - both
destructive and life-sustaining - starts with childhood, where
experiments with a Zippo lighter and your mother's industrial-sized can
of hairspray gives you hours of fun and, if you're lucky, a brand-new
set of eyebrows. [Read
article] |
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