Arizona Daily Wildcat
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
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They say a good man is hard to find. But what exactly characterizes a good catch? Is he smart, funny, sensitive, off-beat? The Wildcat is going to give you the chance to decide with our first edition of Bachelor Survivor. One of our four eligibles will be voted off every week with you deciding their fate by voting online at http://www.wildcat.arizona.edu. In addition, our surviving bachelors will have to accomplish a series of tasks to prove their worth.
Next week: Bring us a poem about your mom - to show your sensitive side.
This week's questions:
1. Why should someone go out on a date with you?
2. What was your favorite stuffed animal when you were growing up?
3. What were you most afraid of when you were a kid?
Noah Lerman-Simms psychology senior
1. That's a hard one to answer, but I'd go on a date with me if I was a girl. Is that a good enough answer?
2. I had a stuffed Shamu from Sea World. I was sick in the hospital once and the nurse put a fake IV in it to make me feel better.
3. Spiders and they still terrify me. I mean, they have eight freakin' legs. What needs eight legs?!
Chad Watkins economics senior
In the form of a Haiku poem:
1. I am very tall, And can sometimes be funny, Also change light bulbs.
2. His name was Herman, He played for the B. Red Sox, I was a sad child.
3. I hated candles, Candles can scald the dermis, They provide dim light.
Giacomo Damien Palma political science freshman
1. Because I've got a good personality ... I'm lighthearted, I have a good time, and I like long walks on the beach with the sunset coming down. You know, stuff like that.
2. My favorite stuffed animal was this bat animal and it had a little hoodie and bat ears and I called him Batley. He was soft and he gave me comfort when I needed it. He was a place to snuggle with at times.
3. I was afraid of the dark. I had a batman nightlight so ... it wasn't too bad. But it's still kinda creepy. You were all by yourself and it was all dark and you don't know what's out there.
Greg Cummings nutritional science senior
1. I'm a nice guy who's got good morals and I'm not, like, out to get anything.
2. I had this Carebear ... it was the one with the moon and I thought that was pretty cool. I liked the Carebear movie ... they got to ride around on clouds and stuff.
3. I always thought that there were snakes on my floor at night when I was a kid. I've never liked snakes. They've always sort of freaked me out.
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