Arizona Daily Wildcat
Wednesday, October 6, 2004
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They say a good man is hard to find. But what exactly characterizes a good catch? Is he smart, funny, sensitive, off-beat? The Wildcat is going to give you the chance to decide with our second round of Bachelor Survivor. One of our three eligibles will be voted off every week with you deciding their fate by voting online at In addition, our surviving bachelors will have to accomplish a series of tasks to prove their worth.
Bring us a poem about your mom - to show your sensitive side.
Greg Cummings nutritional science senior
My mother is a teacher,
Kindergarten is her game.
Many adults pity her,
Her classes are never sane.
To make matters worse
Her son was in her class.
There's no lyin' this verse
I was quite the little ass!
Something strange took place,
I turned out A-Okay.
And there's a smile on Mom's face,
'Cause I might graduate UofA.
Love and guidance she gave me
And somehow I made it through.
One thing with this classy lady ...
My mother ... she's tried and true.
Chad Watkins economics senior
Mother, I love you too much to use 17 syllables, So you get a free verse sonnet instead of a haiku:
I came out of your womb, which makes me happy,
Because I would be dead if I didn't, and you might be too.
We are both similar and different, and you have always respected my decisions,
You have always been there for me,
And willing to help me when I am in trouble,
And I will do the same for you,
Until I breathe my last breath.
Noah Lerman-Simms psychology senior
An Ode to my Mom:
My mom and I have not always been as close as we are.
There have been many tears;
There have been many fights;
But her strength has helped me through many hardships;
It has followed me all my life;
I am older now, and wiser.
And I know that without my mom,
I would not be who I am today.
She has, is, and will always be,
One of the most important people in my life.
Thanks Mom!
Next week: Get a family member to HONESTLY describe your personality