Taking Back Sunday - Now there's only six days in the week and it's all this poppy punk band's fault. With Fallout Boy, Matchbox Romance and The Sleeping. Coconuts, 296 N. Stone Ave. $16.50. 7 p.m. 884-0600
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Thursday, October 14, 2004
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Poetry Reading - Local poetry group Fandango Eight will read from their works. UA Art Museum. 2 p.m. 621-7576. FREE
Pool Classes - Student Union Games Room, 5-6 p.m. Followed by Billiards 9-Ball Tournament. 621-1450. FREE
Outdoor Movie - Mel Brooks' Western spoof "Blazing Saddles." La Placita Village Courtyard, South Church Avenue and Broadway Boulevard. $3 donations. 7:30 p.m. 326-5282
Earlimart - Pop+ rock=fun indie band. With The Solace Brothers. Plush, 340 E. Sixth Street. 9:30 p.m. $7. 798-298
UA Comedy Film Festival - Featuring short films by UA students and improv by Comedy Corner. $6. The Screening Room, 127 E. Congress St. 622-2262
Screening of Francis Ford Coppola's "The Conversation." ILC 120. 621-3527. FREE
"Oliver!" - Who doesn't love starving orphans? 8 p.m. 621-3341, call for ticket prices. Centennial Hall
"El Caribe Latin Club" - Congress gets all Latin American on you with salsa music and dancing. Club Congress, 311 E. Congress St. 622-8848. 9 p.m. $5
"The Tale of the Allergist's Wife" - Find out why your parents are so pissy with this play about how being middle-aged sucks. 135 E. Congress St. 770-1000. $14, discounts available
Harmonica Workshop - Learn how to play blues harmonica as part of Celebrate Tucson Blues Weel. 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Club Congress, 311 E. Congress St. 622-8848. FREE
Robin Hood - A badass re-telling of the badass Prince of Thieves and his badass posse. Berger Performing Arts Center. $12. 8 p.m.
Self Defense Classes for Women -Campus Health Services: Highland Commons Complex, Third Floor. Noon - 4 p.m. $40. 626-2051
"Saturn: The REAL Lord of the Rings." Activities, presentations and stargazing. Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, Third floor atrium. 5 p.m. 621-9629. FREE
FALL CRAWL - Tucson's downtown festival featuring local music acts. 21+ 7 p.m. $8 advance, $10 day of
"Iranian Film Series" - Showing of documentaries "S.O.S. In Tehran," and "Tabaki" will examine social issues in modern day Iran. Social Sciences 100. 7 p.m. FREE
"Iron Jawed Angels" - Screening of film staring Angelica Huston and Hillary Swank about suffragist movement. $5, brunch and panel discussion included. The Loft Cinema, 3233 E. Speedway Blvd. 11:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. 561-1200
Natural Defense Against Bioterrorism. Learn how to naturally defend yourself against chemicals like anthrax. We're not making this up. Spirit of Service Building,1707 N. Country Club Road. 4 p.m. 623-9090. FREE
Weekly Writing Workshop. "Perfecting Punctuation, Part 1." 621-5849. Manuel E. Pacheco Integrated Learning Center, 120. FREE
Film - "The War at Home," documentary on the Vietnam student protests at University of Wisconsin. Discussion with '60s political activists after. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, S202. 621-5665. FREE
Ingram Hill - Pop/rock from the dirty south. With Loveland. Plush, 370 E. Sixth St. $5. 10 p.m. 798-1298
The Fiery Furnaces - This band is way hot. With the Solace Brothers. Hotel Congress, 311 E. Congress St. $6, 9 p.m. 622-8848
Art Lecture - "The Woman in the Window: Gender and Spatial Topography in Images of Brothels." ASU Art History Professor Dian Wolfthal will speak on the depiction of prostitution in art history. UA Art Museum, Retalbo Room. 621-7340. FREE
Africana Studies Fall Film Series: "When We Were Kings," documentary about the 1974 fight in Zaire between Muhammed Ali and George Foreman. Cesar Chavez building, Room 404. FREE
Taking Back Sunday - Now there's only six days in the week and it's all this poppy punk band's fault. With Fallout Boy, Matchbox Romance and The Sleeping. Coconuts, 296 N. Stone Ave. $16.50. 7 p.m. 884-0600
Downtown Farmer's Market. 8 a.m. -1 p.m. On the south lawn of the Main Library. 326-7810
Open Mic - Take free reign on the stage for 15 minutes. Bookman's, 1930 E. Grant Road. 6:30 p.m. sign up starts at 7 p.m.