Friday, October 22, 2004
Football players deserve special treatment
From campus to campus, coast to coast, football players receive special treatment and they deserve it, except for the ones that really suck.
It's a well-known fact that the UA has one of the worst football teams in the country. Starting Quarterback Kris Heavner has thrown for as many touchdowns as interceptions (four) and has rushed for an impressive negative 35 yards in the past six games.
Out of 118 college teams, the UA ranks 112 in total yards and 115 in total points for the 2004-2005 season. The only team that we could probably beat in the next year is the Tucson High junior varsity squad.
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Guest column: Not just a mere mortal
I was born with an "S" on my chest. Literally. The day I was born, my father brought me home from the hospital wrapped in a black shirt with a silver Superman "S" on it.
From that day I was hooked. Not like I had much of a choice in the matter. My father has been a comic nerd for as long as he's been able to read. So, as soon as I learned how to read, a Superman comic was thrown into my hand. I idolized Superman for what he stood for, which was everything good in a human being. Since Christopher Reeve played him before I was even born, he was the face I recognized as Superman. Not just me it seems, but the rest of the world as well.
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Resisting occupation is not terrorism
I would like to respond to Keren G. Raz's column yesterday, in which she tries, either ignorantly or deceivingly, to equate the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks with Palestinians resisting inhuman and illegal occupation by Israel. Here are few facts: A report to the British Foreign Office in December 1918 revealed that Palestine consisted of 512,000 Muslims, 61,000 Christians and 66,000 Jews. So the Jews were less than 10 percent of the population of Palestine.
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