Tuesday, November 2, 2004
What not to base your vote on
It's Tuesday, November 2, 2004. Finally. For the past nine months we have dreaded, rationalized, and otherwise prepared ourselves for the upcoming election.
And now it is time to cast our vote.
However, today, before we stand in the polling booth and make our final decisions concerning everything from the President to the local dog catcher, let us consider a few things - like how to vote rationally.
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Losing your voting virginity
I'm losing my virginity today. Voting virginity, that is. Am I nervous, you might ask? I left nervousness far behind. I've gone straight past the butterflies-in-the-stomach stage and I'm heading straight towards breaking out into cold sweats and experiencing clammy palms.
I mean, it's my first time after all, and I want to be good at it, or at the very least not be too terrible.
But, it's not like I'm going into this completely unprepared. I've seen plenty of late night movies to get me ready for the big day, to provide me with some motivation for Super Tuesday. I mean, I rented "The Power of One."
[Read article]
Election has made a mess of U.S. politics
While skimming through a recent issue of the Daily Wildcat, I came across a letter claiming that the Democratic party has turned into a cesspool of hatred. This intrigued me, since the author, who is obviously not a Democrat, still seemed to pour every ounce of hatred he could muster into his letter. What a great example of a serious problem facing America today: So many are people pointing fingers and slinging mud that no real issues are being addressed in a constructive way.
[Read article]
