Arizona Daily Wildcat
Friday, November 12, 2004
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Michael Moore recently announced that he is producing a sequel to Fahrenheit 9/11. Do you think that's a good idea and would you go see it?
"It's a good idea if he shows other views. If it's not biased and one-sided. For society in general, it's good to just have it out there."
Matt Cerussi undeclared freshman
"I think so. I'd go see it. I liked the first one."
Katie Newton Latin American studies freshman
"I think he's pissed enough people off already. He should just shut up. No."
Jon Saltzman physical education freshman
"Probably not, seeing as I didn't see the first one."
Nicole Sweeney architecture freshman
"He can make the movie if he wants, but I wouldn't go see it. He can do whatever he wants. This is America."
Eileen Eder undeclared freshman
"I wouldn't waste my money or my time."
Blake Bovee undecided freshman