Monday, August 30, 2004
Slighty Off-Center: Think before you act
I'd like to think that we live in a civilized world. As a species we've advanced quite a bit from our humble beginnings of cave dwelling.
Yet, despite the fact that we have progressed, we still haven't quite achieved the level of civility and sophistication that centuries of human growth and development would suggest.
After witnessing my fair share of drunken brawls during my collegiate career and what with the recent shooting at No Anchovies, these incidences have made me rethink my position on the human race. After much thought and deliberation I've reached this conclusion: People are stupid. There's no getting around that fact. And in no other way do people best exemplify their stupidity than with completely unnecessary acts of aggression.
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Berry Picking: Science should trump ideology
Last Thursday, a pipe bomb was detonated at a Massachusetts research lab specializing in stem cell research. Media coverage of this event was limited because no one was hurt. Many people aren't even aware that this bombing happened.
Even so, this event should disturb every one of us, including the adamant pro-lifers of the world opposed to stem cell research. No one should "value life" to the point where they are willing to take the life of someone else because that person supports stem cell research. To think with such logic is a contradiction in "valuing life." It is the thinking of a psychopath.
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Convention protesters angry, irrational
On Sunday, I watched several minutes of the peace protest that took place in New York City.
What I witnessed was several interviews with demonstrators that had hatred in their voices rather than calm and clear viewpoints.
Rather than speaking their position on the war and offering alternatives to protecting this country, they turned it into a "We Hate Bush" rally with John Kerry signs in hand.
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