Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Men deserve place in Women's Plaza
Youth. Maturity. Reflection. The Women's Studies department is sponsoring a memorial plaza that celebrates those three stages of a woman's life. On track to be completed this spring, the Women's Plaza of Honor "will be a warm, inviting and meditative gathering place" located between Centennial Hall and the Arizona State Museum South.
As the name suggests, the purpose of the Women's Plaza is to celebrate the lives and contributions of women to the state of Arizona. Donors can dedicate a brick, tile, tree, park bench or fountain to honor a woman of their choice.
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Guest Commentary: UA fans should take example from other schools, get creative
Yes, we'll say it. McKale Center needs a student section! And things may be in the works for that in the future. But truth be told, we are not sure that having a student section is going to transform McKale Center into the amazing basketball environment offered by some of the other schools around the Pacific 10 Conference, namely Haas Pavilion (California), Mac Court (Oregon) and Maples Pavilion (Stanford). After all, Arizona State University has a student section, and our 16-5 record in Tempe shows how much it has helped them.
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Letter shows U.S. xenophobia, racism
Justin Kunzelman's letter regarding "turning the table on immigration" says all that needs to be said about the xenophobia that seems to brood in our great state of Arizona. The majority is becoming more and more afraid of the diversity that a large portion of our country embraces, a diversity that makes the United States a great place.
Mr. Kunzelman personifies everything that is wrong with the narrow worldview many conservatives have taken regarding immigration; they are so caught up in their warped, ethnocentric view of the world that they fail to recognize the benefits that immigration brings to our nation. With words like, "We need to take back our country," I am afraid that people like Mr. Kunzelman spend more time at Klan meetings than they do trying to broaden their academic horizons.
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