Arizona Daily Wildcat
Friday, February 4, 2005
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"You can't build a great university on Wal-Mart prices."
- Michael Crow, Arizona State University president, on supporting propositions to raise state university tuition costs.
"I want a nice guy, a nice, funny, good sense of humor, cute, obviously, you know, just a good guy."
- Tara Reid, actress, on soliciting potential boyfriends during a Monday taping of the "Ellen Degeneres Show," asking single men to submit 60-second taped auditions for review. No shit.
"Can you feel the fat shaking around? It's pleasurable, it's cute!"
- Kathryn Ferguson, belly dancing instructor, on how fat's all that.
Yeah, he's underrated because outside the West if you say Midgely in ACC country, they think it's a candy bar."
-Lute Olson, UA men's basketball coach, on how California point guard Richard Midgley gets no respect
"The only Bush I trust is my own,"
- Alethea Arnold, a junior majoring in English, on President Bush, abortion and personal hygiene.
"It's got everything. Fame. Race. Homosexuality. A Peter Pan Love story."
-Jeff Rayner, British paparazzo, on the media's interest in the upcoming Michael Jackson trial for child molestation.
"This game needs to be played from skate blades to the head."
- Leo Golembiewsky, Icecats head coach, on proper perspectives.