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Employers seek students at UA-produced Career Expo, Showcase

By Zach Colick
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
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Students winding down their college careers can possibly avoid getting stuck in a dead end job by attending the seventh annual Career Expo, meant to offer students networking opportunities for immediate employment after graduation.

Organized by the UA's Students in Free Enterprise, in accordance with the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and Center for Retailing and Consumer Sciences, the Expo will run today from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., in the Student Union Memorial Center's North Ballroom.

Nearly all UA majors will be represented by more than 60 various companies, such as Abercrombie & Fitch and FedEx Kinko's, who will be seeking students to fill permanent and internship positions.

The companies will also set up booths for students who want more information on a particular field and are in hopes of landing a job right out of college, said Shelley Huff, a coordinator for the Career Expo.

In order to get a full impression of the different companies represented, students should research them to know their mission and what they have to offer students, Huff said.

Huff, a retailing and consumer sciences senior, said companies will be there to guide students down the career path of their choice with informative handouts and pamphlets explaining what the company is all about and what the benefits and perks are for working there.

The Career Expo has consistently seen 1,500 to 2,000 students walk through its doors, and Huff said she expects that number to be the same again this year, which she credits to UA faculty supporting the venture.

"Having the support of our faculty increases our attendance year after year," Huff said. "We have them to thank for making the event stay strong and be what it is."

In addition to today's event, the 12th annual Career Showcase will be held tomorrow from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Eller College of Management, and will provide students the opportunity to interact with more than 60 corporations, government agencies and non-profit organizations.

However, Brian Lee, co-chair of the Career Showcase, said the event is intended for all UA students even though a lot of the companies are targeted at the business realm of employment.

"The Showcase has grown and it's starting to bring people from all over the campus community to the event," said Lee, a marketing senior.

The Showcase, which was established in 1994, is organized each year by two students and is the largest student-managed career fair in Arizona.

Lee, a member of the Delta Sigma Chi business fraternity, teamed up with Kim Ho, a member of the Eller College Student Council, to make the event as successful as possible.

Professional dress, a resume and understanding the different aspects of what each company is looking for are ways in which a prepared student will stand out and distinguish themselves from the rest of the crowd, Lee said.

"There's a lot of competition out there and students should take a proactive approach while at the event," Lee said. "At the end of the day I would like to see recruiters finding jobs for these kids and have these kids excited for this kind of opportunity."

Although the work of putting something together of this magnitude is tough, Ho, a marketing senior, said it is rewarding at the same time when it all comes together and works.

Company participation has held steady over the past years, which Ho credits to word of mouth from companies who attend and enjoy what UA students have to offer.

"We've reached out and made the fair more and more diverse," Ho said.

Lee said the Career Showcase costs around $10,000, which includes renting a room big enough for the event as well as advertising and administrative costs.

However, the money earned from the event comes from the companies themselves, who pay a registration fee to sell themselves to the students. That money goes directly to the career resource center in the Eller College of Management, Lee said.

Ho and Lee said they expect around 2,000 students to attend the Career Showcase.

Career Expo

Career Showcase

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