AIC faces funding cut
by Zach Thomas
Sideshow (photo)
by Dan Hoffman
Regents upset over proposed community college legislation
by Jennifer M. Fitzenberger
12 students violated NCAA rules in book scam
by John Brown
Today on Campus
Staff Reports
Two new Regents appointed
by Jennifer M. Fitzenberger
Gov. Hull proposes large tax decrease
by Zach Thomas
Hull's proposal would leave libraries in lurch, says Likins
by Zach Thomas
ASUA rejects resolution against UA-Nike contract
by Tory Hernandez
Riding the rail to Phoenix may soon become reality
by Bryon Wells
Affirmative action programs in jeopardy
by Bryon Wells
Main Library dons new apparel over winter break
by Greg Clark
Architecture prof. dies in plane crash
by Craig Anderson
Moving on up
by Bryon Wells
Arsonist strikes in university area
by Joseph Altman Jr.
Go to class or be dropped
by Jimi Jo Story
Student services temporarily shift to CCIT
by Michael Jacobs