Chris Martin
Arizona Daily Wildcat
With mid-terms in full swing, I thought it was time to give Wildcat fans the ABCs of Arizona sports. So get your cheat sheets ready, because here we go.
A: Arizona's volleyball team is the No. 6 ranked team in the country and still getting better.
B: Basketball season has finally started, make reservations for the Final Four in Minneapolis now.
C: Clarence Farmer: best true freshman running back in the nation.
D: Double eagle flex defense drives opposing offensive coordinators crazy when they play UA.
E: Edgerson, Gene. Greatest Afro of the new millennium, he should be in an ESPN Classic commercial.
F: Freshman Liz Bartlett is quietly becoming a star on the UA soccer team.
G: Gone are all Dick Tomey's critics, including myself.
H: Head coach Dave Murray never gets enough credit for his excellent cross country teams.
I: Idris Haroon has surprised everyone with his excellent play at defensive end this year.
J: Jill Talbot single-handedly destroyed Stanford on Sept. 30 at McKale Center with a .737 kill percentage.
K: Kicker Sean Keel has been a blessing for Arizona fans used to seeing the football go every which way but through the uprights.
L: Loren Woods' back is fine, so don't ask.
M: Mike Cramer, former walk-on, is a stud for the men's cross country team but gets no publicity.
N: Nobody thought Arizona would be this good in football.
O: Ochoa, Lorena. She's quickly taking over for Jenna Daniels as top women's golfer in the NCAA.
P: Prime Time Player: cornerback Michael Jolivette, who leads the Pac-10 in interceptions.
Q: Quiet would be the best way to describe Michael Wright off the court. On the court, however, no one is tougher on the boards.
R: Rubio, David. Dresses as well as his team plays, which is excellent.
S: Setter Dana Burkholder, is anyone better at her position? I don't think so.
T: Tafoya, Joe. The leader of the best defense in the Pac-10.
U: Unbelievable. The best word to describe the job Cathy Klein has done for the UA soccer team. Overall record doesn't do this team justice.
V: Veranda James - the next superstar for the women's basketball team.
W: Women's soccer team is by far the most entertaining Arizona team to watch in person.
X: Xerarch - originating in a dry habitat. Or, in others words, UA athletes. You try finding something better that begins with "X."
Y: Year long domination by Arizona in athletics.
Z: Zahn, Andrew. Nice kid, better game.