Thursday Apr. 18, 2002
Two 'Phantom' masks stolen from Centennial
Two masks used in the "Phantom of the Opera" production were stolen from Centennial Hall early this week, police reports stated.
The masks, valued at $950, were stolen from backstage at Centennial Hall, 1020 E. University Blvd., between 10:15 p.m. Sunday and 2:30 p.m. Tuesday.
Ed Brown, director of communications for UApresents, said the masks will be replaced by the beginning of next week, and in the meantime, costume designers have made temporary masks to "substitute" the stolen ones.
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Fast facts:
A cowboy in a rodeo bull-riding competition must hang on for eight seconds. The same applies to bareback-bronc and saddle-bronc events.
A pro volleyball player can spike the ball at 80 miles per hour.
A scrum is rugby's equivalent to a hockey face-off, except that it involves all those playing the position of forward on both teams.
ABC-TV's Monday Night Football premiered in September 1970. Its three original commentators were Keith Jackson, Don Meredith, and Howard Cosell.
According to one source, the Los Angeles Dodgers coined the term "high five." Outfielder Glenn Burke is credited with originating it in 1977.
Actor Tom Selleck often wore a Detroit Tigers baseball cap in his title role on Magnum, P.I. on television
As of March 31, 2000, Pacific Bell Park became the new home for the San Francisco Giants. Unlike 3Com Park, the Giants' former ballpark, all seats at the state-of-the-art Pacific Bell Park face the baseball diamond to ensure good views of the action for attending fans. A huge glove in left field is clearly marked with a "502" sign, making it the most distant current outfield measurement sign in baseball. Barry Bonds hit the first official Giants home run on Opening Day, April 11, 2000.
At least 40 jockeys have died from accidents while racing horses since 1940.
On this date:
In 1775, Paul Revere and William Dawes warned that "The British are coming!"
In 1949, the Republic of Ireland withdrew from the British Commonwealth.
In 1950, the first transatlantic jet passenger trip was completed.
In 1966, Bill Russell became the first black coach in NBA history (Boston Celtics).
In 1983, a lone suicide bomber killed 63 at the U.S. Embassy in Lebanon.
In 1983, Joan Benoit set a women's record for the Boston Marathon.
In 1987, Mike Schmidt hit his 500th home run against the Pittsburgh Pirates.
"There are still individual Taliban or al-Qaida members in the city. They were probably responsible for this. We may see more such incidents in the future."
- Abdul Bari, a local Afghan commander
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