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Palestinian bomb suspect shot dead

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Associated Press

Masked Palestinian mourners carry the body of Abed-Rahman Hamad during his funeral procession in the northern West Bank town of Qalqilya yesterday. Hamad, a regional leader of the militant Islamic group Hamas, accused of organizing deadly attacks against Israel including the suicide bombing at a disco in Tel Aviv killing 22 people, was shot dead early yesterday by Israeli forces. The shooting marked a return to Israel's policy of targeted killings.

By Associated Press

Monday October 15, 2001

JERUSALEM - Firing from long range yesterday, Israeli forces shot and killed a Palestinian militant accused of orchestrating a suicide bombing that killed 22 people in June.

Yesterday's shooting raised Mideast tensions, but Israel said it was prepared to scale back some security restrictions imposed on Palestinians.

Palestinians called the death of Abed-Rahman Hamad, a regional leader of the radical Islamic group Hamas, a serious violation of a shaky truce, and said the shooting was timed to undermine the latest efforts to solidify the cease-fire. Hamas vowed to strike back against Israel.

While Palestinians were harshly critical of Israel in public statements, political leaders and security officials held private talks with the Israelis on removing barriers to Palestinian movements in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

Hamad was hit in the back by two bullets while standing on his roof shortly after sunrise in Qalqilya, along the border between Israel and the West Bank. An Israeli official, speaking on condition of anonymity, acknowledged Israel was responsible.

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said that such killings would continue as long as deemed necessary "It is not the first, nor the last," he said in a speech.

Hamad, 35, knew the Israelis were after him and rarely strayed far from his home, except to visit a nearby mosque for prayers, acquaintances said.

He attended pre-dawn prayers yesterday and was atop his flattop roof when he was hit by Israeli troops about 300 yards away, according to acquaintances.

Shortly after the shooting, Sharon's office released a statement saying Hamad directed the June 1 suicide attack at a Tel Aviv disco that killed 22 people, mostly Israeli teenagers.

Hamad was responsible for other deadly attacks and was organizing more, Israel said in the statement.

The shooting marked a return to Israel's policy of targeted killings. Over the past year, Israel has carried out dozens of such attacks against Palestinian militants suspected of violence against Israelis. Yesterday's shooting was the first since the cease-fire was declared Sept. 26.

The United States has repeatedly condemned the targeted killings and has been urging both sides to show restraint as the Americans attempt to build support for their anti-terror campaign in Arab and Muslim countries.

"The assassination today is a clear indicator that all the Israeli claims that they want to achieve peace and uphold the cease-fire are just lies," said Palestinian Information Minister Yasser Abed Rabbo. Several thousand Palestinians attended Hamad's funeral yesterday afternoon. Gunmen fired into the air, and mourners carried leaflets reading, "Revenge, revenge," and "No to the cease-fire."

"Resistance against this ugly aggression is the only language which can be used, and there is no doubt that Hamas will react to this ugly assassination crime," said Abdel Aziz Rantisi, a senior Hamas leader.

Hamas has carried out multiple suicide bombings against Israel, including the disco bombing, the deadliest single attack in the current round of Mideast fighting.

Israel had named Hamad as one of the militants it wanted arrested by Arafat's Palestinian Authority. The Palestinians had detained Hamad, but then released him about a month ago, Israel said.

Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat has demanded that Hamas and other militant groups observe the truce, but they have refused to endorse it.

Sharon has demanded that the Palestinians make arrests before easing security restrictions. The controls have prevented tens of thousands of Palestinians from reaching their jobs in Israel. The Palestinians call it collective punishment, while Israel says it is necessary to prevent attacks.

After an Israeli Cabinet meeting yesterday, Israel was prepared to withdraw tanks and troops from Palestinian neighborhoods in the volatile West Bank city of Hebron, officials said.

Israeli forces took over two hilltop Palestinian neighborhoods in Hebron two weeks ago following repeated shootings at Jewish settlers in the center of the city.

Israel is also preparing additional steps, such as removing roadblocks inside the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, and reopening border crossings for Palestinians with Egypt and Jordan, the two sides said.

"The guiding principle is that wherever there is quiet, and the quiet continues, we will remove the (restrictions)," said Sharon spokesman Raanan Gissin. But he also warned, "if the shooting is resumed, we will return immediately."


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