Monday August 27, 2001 |
| 102 years of UA student press
Some students still waiting for financial aid
Human error cited as one possible problem for delays
Though officials say more than 75 percent of the UA student body relies on financial aid to make ends meet, some of those students still have not received their checks.
Jennifer Roth, a student employee at the Student Financial Aid office, listed a number of reasons why students might not yet have received their checks, including filling out the application too late, not registering for enough units or not claiming their loans online.
Feature Photo
ERIC M JUKLEVICS/Arizona Daily Wildcat
Arizona head football coach John Mackovic watches while members of Old Pueblo Cactus plant one of two nearly 20-foot saguaro cactuses in front of the UA football offices. The two large cactuses were taken from sources around Tucson.
UA College of Public Health names new dean
Nationally renowned doctor leaves Michigan for Arizona
A Michigan State University professor of family practice was appointed as dean of the UA College of Public Health.
G. Marie Swanson, 58, was asked to take the reins of the college, one dedicated to research, education and the development of services to improve community and personal health.
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Embattled running back happy to be back with team
When UA junior running back Leo Mills got pulled over last spring for having an open container of alcohol in his car, he thought life couldn't get any worse.
Mills was wrong.
Letters to the Editor
Fraternities incorrectly criticized
This is a response to an article published Friday titled "IFC ad hints at homogeneity" by David Ellis.
I for one fail to feel the weight of your argument and fear that little is true about your assessment regarding "this so called learning institution." My reason is simple: Your logic fails to carry persuasion...
A Flat-earther's lament
I've got a confession to make - I've committed a serious infidelity, a heartless betrayal of one of my truest companions. A few weeks ago, just before returning to Arizona, I bought a portable CD player, complete with adapters and headphones and a remote control, should I ever find myself at the gym (yeah, right). Most importantly, my shiny new toy connects right to my car stereo. And that's where the betrayal comes in.
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