Jeff Portouw Computer science freshman
By Shane Bacon
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Friday February 28, 2003
Computer science major not a hacker, prefers Christina over Britney, would eat dog food
Wildcat: What's your major, Jeff?
Portouw: Computer science.
Wildcat: So can you hack into stuff?
Portouw: No, no, that's more writing software.
Wildcat: Well, what do you look at on the computer? Do you ever look at Britney Spears?
Portouw: No, I'm not a big fan of Britney.
Wildcat: Really? So, Britney Spears or Christina Aguliera?
Portouw: Neither, really, but if I had to pick, I'd go with Christina.
Wildcat: That milkshake looks good. If you had to eat a milkshake for a week or dog food, but with dog food you got a hundred bucks, what would you choose?
Portouw: I think I'd try the dog food.
Wildcat: Good man. You excited about the new Chick-Fil-A opening up in the union?
Portouw: I didn't even know it was opening up.
Wildcat: Well, are you a chicken or meat man?
Portouw: Straight meat.
Wildcat: Have you ever gone cow-tipping?
Portouw: Nope.
Wildcat: Well you don't know what you're missing. You push those babies over, but you have to run, 'cause the owners usually shoot at you. Since you haven't done that, name something exciting you've done before.
Portouw: I can't think of anything.
Wildcat: You planning on watching the basketball game?
Portouw: Yeah, I'm going to watch it.
Wildcat: Well, it starts pretty soon. You need to get on that.
Portouw: I would, but I'm here doing an interview.
Wildcat: Good point. So what's your favorite sport?
Portouw: Football.
Wildcat: Cool, me too. So since you're a computer software major, do you like Bill Gates?
Portouw: No, I hate him.
Wildcat: Well, would you go eat dinner with him?
Portouw: Nope.
Wildcat: Not even if he was buying?
Portouw: Probably not.
Wildcat: What if it was Bill Gates and Al Bundy? Al Bundy is like an American legend.
Portouw: I guess I would if Al Bundy came.
Wildcat: Good. Everyone loves Al Bundy.