Scheize Taschenkunst, El Chupacaera, Cupcake, Shawstank, University of the Pacific students and alum in Tucson for Spring Break
By Rebekah Kleinman
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Monday March 24, 2003
Strange conversations about war, women's field hockey
SHAWSTANK: We're your rival in women's field hockey.
WILDCAT: We have a field hockey team?
EL CHUPACAERA: We saw them practicing.
WILDCAT: Really? That's good to know. I really had no idea that a women's field hockey team even existed on this campus, but YAY! Go women's field hockey. So, Scheize Taschenkunst, you live in Tucson, what's your story?
SCHEIZE TASCHENKUNST: I graduated from their school about two years ago in graphic design.
WILDCAT: And what do you do now?
WILDCAT: Cool. What brings y'all to Tucson?
CUPCAKE: Spring break.
WILDCAT: Why Tucson?
CUPCAKE: To see him (points to Scheize Taschenkunst).
WILDCAT: Awww. That's so nice of you guys.
EL CHUPACAERA: We actually came to torment the field hockey team.
WILDCAT: Oh really. I am so sad I haven't seen them.
SHAWSTANK: They are huge. Their calves are like ·
WILDCAT: Big? As big as my head? I mean they do a lot of running, and field hockey isn't a walk in the park.
CUPCAKE: I really don't care about field hockey.
WILDCAT: Me either. I am so glad that we have wasted all this space talking about it. We are never going to get those few minutes back.
CHUPACAERA: They wear a dress.
WILDCAT: What? That is ridiculous. Who thought of that?
SCHEIZE TASCHENKUNST: But you do get to hit people with a stick.
WILDCAT: Always good. So, speaking of sticks, why the costumes?
SCHEIZE TASCHENKUNST: We're costumes against war.
WILDCAT: Do you wear them everyday?
EL CHUPACAERA: We've done it two nights.
WILDCAT: Is it hot? It's gotta be hot.
SCHEIZE TASCHENKUNST: Yeah, the hats get hot.
WILDCAT: I can imagine. What the crap are they made out of? Yours is all pimp velvet and Chupa's is crocheted · ahh, grannies all over the world would be proud.