Sreeya Petil business economics sophomore
By Rebekah Kleinman
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Wednesday March 26, 2003
Business economics student liked being 18, would paint the "A" a nice shade of violet
WILDCAT: So what are your big plans after you graduate? Work, more school, try to take over the world?
PETIL: Try to find a job, as usual.
WILDCAT: Ahh · just the normal stuff. Sounds super fun. So did you see or hear that the "A" on "A" mountain was painted black and then white?
WILDCAT: If you were going to break the law and climb up on "A" mountain and paint the "A," what color would you choose?
PETIL: I would paint it, probably, violet because that is my favorite color.
WILDCAT: A very appropriate color for this time of year. And, I mean, Tucson could use some more color, right?
PETIL: Exactly, it's just a desert.
WILDCAT: I love that part in "Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" when the car salesman says, "Violet! You're turning violet Violet!"
PETIL: OK. So where exactly is this going to be and why are you asking me these questions?
WILDCAT: It will be on page 2 of the Wildcat. It's just a fun, random thing.
PETIL: Oh, OK. It is pretty random. Well, sometimes the question and answer session doesn't have a direction.
WILDCAT: Ah yes. This is the basis of its appeal.
PETIL: Oh look, there's my roommate.
WILDCAT: Hi. Do you want to come join our interview?
WILDCAT: It will be fun ·
ROOMMATE: Wait, are you Rebekah? I read your thing every day.
WILDCAT: Really? Nice, someone who actually reads this baloney.
WILDCAT PHOTOGRAPHER: She's the only one.
WILDCAT: You are so rude. We're fighting. Anyway, so, if you were to stay any age for forever, what would it be and why?
PETIL: Probably 18. Because I have good memories attached from when I was 18. I didn't have any kinds of plans. I was just having fun.