By Arek Sarkissian II
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Friday April 4, 2003
Hairstylist wishes she could get outdoors, go camping in Montana, even though she's not an Îoutdoors person'
WILDCAT: Isn't there ever a point in the night where you're like, "I wish I could be somewhere else"?
TYLER: Umm, I kind of want to go out tonight but not that I want to be somewhere else.
WILDCAT: Well if you could be anywhere right now, where would it be?
TYLER: Home with my child.
WILDCAT: You've got to have some bigger wishes than that. Like, if I wanted to be anywhere right now, it would be Detroit.
TYLER: Oh! You know, I'd want to take a trip. I don't know. I could go to L.A. I'd go there right now.
WILDCAT: So you'd never make it like an International Coffees commercial? You know: "Remember Paris? Oh yeah! Jean Luke!" (said in a girly voice). No?
TYLER: (Laughter)
WILDCAT: Seriously, where would you really like to go?
TYLER: Right now, if I wanted to travel anywhere it would be ·
WILDCAT: Come on, Belgium, Iraq?
WILDCAT: Bahrain? I don't know.
TYLER: Hmm, where would I want to go? I'd take a road trip to Montana. Maybe I'd go camping or something.
WILDCAT: Montana, huh? Are you a Chris Isaak fan? You know, he had that song "Big Sky Country?"
TYLER: No, I'm just craving the outdoors.
WILDCAT: You're not an outdoors person either are you? Because if I'm camping, there better be a hotel nearby.
TYLER: I'm not at all an outdoors person.
WILDCAT: But you see, we'd be the ones who are able to start the campfire. We both stayed at the Holiday Inn. You know, "It's OK; I stayed at a Holiday Inn."