By Aaron Mackey
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Monday April 21, 2003
Finals begin in less than three weeks. We asked: How far in advance do you start to study for finals? Why?
"A day or two before the actual final. I'm not a very big studier. A lot of my finals aren't a big portion of my final grade. I'm a procrastinator, and I'm a freshman."
Jaime Watts
retail and consumer sciences freshman
"A day or two before. I'm a procrastinator. I've always been, but I'm good at it. I'm not too stressed."
Lindsey Davies
political science freshman
"Usually about 30 minutes prior, no kidding. I'm the king of procrastination. Usually I'll be studying in the classroom I'll be taking the final in. I just seem to retain more that way."
Charles Yeager
management information systems senior
"The week before. I have a lot of hard classes. I don't study non-stop, but I just kind of start. But I only really study two days before the final."
Goran Radobanobic
regional development senior