Dana Pietruszynski senior, electrical engineering
By Cara O'Connor
Arizona Summer Wildcat
Wednesday July 30, 2003
Engineer student also plays doctor, prefers tiger tails
WILDCAT: Did you always want to be an engineer?
PIETRUSZYNSKI: Always wanted to.
WILDCAT: Ever since you were little?
PIETRUSZYNSKI: Yeah, pretty much.
WILDCAT: Did you play games with blocks and build stuff? Did you take stuff apart?
PIETRUSZYNSKI: Yeah, TVs and radios and stuff like that.
WILDCAT: What was your favorite game to play when you were a little kid?
PIETRUSZYNSKI: Umm· Operation.
WILDCAT: Operation? So, if you could have any sort of tail, what kind of tail would you have?
PIETRUSZYNSKI: Any sort of tail? (laughs)
PIETRUSZYNSKI: Uh, I don't know. A tiger's tail.
WILDCAT: A tiger's tail? Why?
PIETRUSZYNSKI: Because I am pretty aggressive and tiger's tails are aggressive, I guess.
WILDCAT: See, I always thought it would be cool to have a stegosaurus tail. (To Wildcat photographer) What about you?
WILDCAT PHOTOGRAPHER: I don't want a tail.
PIETRUSZYNSKI: (Laughs) There you go.
WILDCAT: Okay, well, what are you doing here for the summer?
PIETRUSZYNSKI: Taking a class.
WILDCAT: Oh, are you from Tucson?
PIETRUSZYNSKI: Not originally.
WILDCAT: But you live here now?
WILDCAT: When are you going to graduate?
WILDCAT: Congratulations.