Weekend Review
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Larger than Life
Sexual tension fills Tucson puppet show with fun
The smell of TecatŽ, the deafening sound of a train passing a few yards away, the sad strumming of a lonely banjo lament, the chaotic litter of artistic debris and dozens of colorful puppets set haphazardly under dim lighting all combine to make the scene inside Sixth Street Studios, home of Tucson Puppet Works.
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Jim Breuer: mullets, metal, mayhem
Jim Breuer gets high a lot. Not all the time, mind you, but sometimes. But his low-slung eyelids and pot ö smoker's laugh often make people think he's lit all the time. Oh yeah, co-hosting the "High Times" Stony Awards with Snoop Dogg, starring in a movie called "Half Baked" and playing a stoner who wants to legalize pot on "Saturday Night Live" doesn't help break this misconception, either.
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From off the beaten path
I cannot wait to run somebody over tomorrow. The second my bike tire makes contact with the heel of whomever is in my way, I will laugh like the wicked witch in "The Wizard of Oz" when she has stolen Toto and is riding away with him in her basket. I will be riding away with the flesh of your much-needed appendage stuck in my spokes.
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ÎTuxedo' doesn't fit, and it stinks
Grade: D
Expectations for "The Tuxedo" are very simple, and you'd think, very easy to satisfy. All the "writers" need to provide is a skeleton plot in which bad guys and good guys fight over something, propelling Jackie Chan through as many situations as possible where he can display his incredible abilities to hit, be hit and interact in martially artistic ways with everyday objects.
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FacetoFace: GoWild film critics battle over ÎSweet Home Alabama'
Utz: I thought "Sweet Home Alabama" was really cute.
Betancourt: Good for you.
Utz: Why do you always have to be so negative about everything? You always judge movies from your own pretentious view. Why don't you for once consider the intended audience, Mark? Girls are going to love this film!
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BookReview; ÎDon't Try This at Home'
Grade: D-
New book is a poor attempt at imitating ÎWorst Case Scenario' franchise; while it may not even be Fulgham's worst effort, don't read it at home ö in fact, don't read it at all
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