Faculty backs Îexcellence'
Faculty Senate favors Likins' program, but wants input in plan to refocus academics
The Faculty Senate voiced support yesterday for President Peter Likins' plan to refocus the university's mission, although some senators asked for more faculty input in the decision-making process.
Although many faculty senators supported Likins' plan, dubbed "focused excellence," they expressed concern over the input they would have on the overall process.
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Carpool program gaining popularity
With construction projects continuing to devour parking lots, more members of the UA community have turned to alternate ways of getting to campus.
There are 45 more groups of people carpooling in the Parking and Transportation Services program this year than last.
"Actually, (the program) exploded," said Mike Wallace, PTS customer relations office specialist in charge of the program. "Last year, there were 24 carpools, now there are 69 spaces."
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Registration drive lures 945 to sign up to vote
Voter registration for the November elections wraps up with some success
Using inflatable obstacle courses, a band and pounding the pavement around the UA Mall, student government and affiliated organizations registered 945 students and staff to vote in a six-week campaign that ended yesterday.
Yesterday was the last day to register to vote in Arizona.
Though the student government's efforts were directed at the segment of the population
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On the Spot
Concrete worker ruminates on clumsy students, sandcastles and assault with a shovel
SAPP: We're just repairing this brick. It's settled down, so we're gonna put concrete under it and flatten it out so you guys don't trip.
WILDCAT: I've done that plenty of times. But don't you, secretly, kind of like to watch students just go by and trip?
SAPP: Oh, yeah. They're on their cell phones all the time, walking along and they trip.
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U-WIRE: Rutgers group attracts 100 to National Gandhi Day event
NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. ÷ Honoring the life and works of Mahatma Gandhi, the Association of Indians at Rutgers University brought together 100 students to do community service and listen to various speakers for the National Gandhi Day of Service on Saturday.
The program started at 11:30 a.m., at the Busch Campus Center. After speakers made presentations, participants spent three hours working on community service projects such as helping out at the North Brunswick Senior Citizen Center, planting and harvesting at the University Agricultural Organic Farm and helping with Edison voter registration.
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U-WIRE: Students who play drinking games could win trip to ER
HONOLULU ÷ Alcohol abuse is a problem on most college campuses, say local and national drug counselors.
And a number of University of Hawaii at Manoa students who have declined to be named have said alcohol poisoning is a relatively common problem in the dorms.
In the United States, around 4,000 people die every year from alcohol poisoning, which usually occurs when someone drinks too much alcohol too fast.
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Fast facts:
Albert Einstein, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for physics in 1921, was honored not for his famous theory of relativity published sixteen years earlier but for his lesser-known work on the photoelectric effect.
America purchased Alaska from Russia in 1867 for $7,200,000 ÷ about two cents an acre.
Besides Earth, only Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune have known magnetic fields.
The female American Oyster lays an average of 500 million eggs per year. Usually only one oyster out of the bunch reaches maturity.
The Sahara Desert comprises an area as large as Europe. Its total land mass is some 3,565,565 square miles.
Insects consume 10 percent of the world's food supply every year.
The person who manipulates the Muppets ÷ namely Miss Piggy, Fozzie, Animal and Grover ÷ is Frank Oz. Oz also provided the voice of "Star Wars"' Yoda. His real name is Frank Oznowicz.
On this date:
In 1871, the Great Fire of Chicago broke out. According to legend, a cow kicked over a lantern in Mrs. O'Leary's barn. The fire destroyed more than 17,000 buildings and left about 100,000 people homeless. An estimated 250 people died.
In 1912, Montenegro declared war on Turkey, beginning the First Balkan War.
In 1956, Don Larson pitched a perfect game during a World Series game.
In 1968, Franco Zefferelli's film "Romeo and Juliet" opened in New York. It later won the Academy Awards for Costume Design and Cinematography, and was nominated for Best Picture and Best Director.
In 1993, the U.N. General Assembly lifted almost all its remaining economic sanctions against South Africa, begun in the 1960s and built up in subsequent years because of Pretoria's policy of racial apartheid.
"Iraq could decide on any given day to provide a biological or chemical weapon to a terrorist group or individual terrorists."
÷ President George Bush during a speech in Cincinnati, on the threat posed by Saddam Hussein.