Tuesday October 8, 2002   |   wildcat.arizona.edu   |   online since 1994
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Police Beat

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UA News
Police Beat

By Kristopher Califano
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Tuesday October 8, 2002

Disorderly conduct

A student was arrested Friday morning at a near-campus brewery after police saw him being pinned down by two bouncers, reports stated.

"He hit me and I want to press charges," one of the Gentle Ben's bouncers told police while still holding the 18-year-old student on the ground, reports stated.

Officers told the two bouncers to get off of the student so they could speak with him. When the student was allowed to get up he started yelling and walking away from Gentle Ben's, 865 E. University Blvd.

Police grabbed him and pulled him back to the scene before searching him. Officers found a driver license, which police suspected was fake, stating that the student was 21-years old.

A bouncer told police that he had asked the student to leave after bar patrons complained that the student was making rude comments toward some female customers, reports stated.

When the student was being escorted out of the building he turned around and punched one of the bouncers on the side of the neck, a bouncer told police.

The student told police that he was leaving the bar voluntarily because he was drunk, when a bouncer threw him on the ground. He told police that he didn't punch anybody. When police said that they might be able to find a witness, the student said that if he did punch anybody he didn't remember doing it, reports stated.

The student did admit to using his fake driver license to get into the bar.

"I know I'm under 21 and I was drinking. I'm not going to lie," he told police, reports stated.

The student was cited and released on suspicion of disorderly conduct, being a minor in possession of alcohol, possessing a fictitious driver license, assault and misrepresentation of age to buy liquor, reports stated.

Drunk driving

A Tucson man was arrested for drunken driving early Saturday morning near campus, reports stated.

Police stopped the 43-year old at East Speedway Boulevard and North Euclid Avenue after they saw him driving without headlights.

The man had trouble finding his insurance and was unable to show proof that the vehicle was registered, reports stated.

Police asked the man if he had been drinking and the man replied, "I'm not going to lie to you; yes."

The man told police that he had drank three beers prior to driving. Police ran a background check and learned that the man didn't have any warrants.

He admitted to being arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol in the 1980s in Texas and agreed to take some field sobriety tests, reports stated.

"I can't walk that line. That's crazy. You're wasting our time," the man told police when officers asked him to walk a straight line, reports stated.

Police brought him to the University of Arizona Police Department, 1852 E. First St., where he was administered a sobriety test, reports stated.

He had a blood alcohol content of .218, more than two times the legal limit of .08, reports stated.

He was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol to the slightest degree, driving under the influence of alcohol with a blood alcohol content of greater than .08 and extreme DUI, reports stated. About an hour later he was released to the care of a taxi service.

Minor in possession

A student was cited Saturday after police saw him drinking from a cup, reports stated.

Officers were in the 7-11 parking lot when they saw a student drinking from a cup. When he saw police, the

student dumped out the contents of the cup.

The student, 20, told officers that he was drinking water.

He allowed police to look at the cup. They noticed a small amount of yellow liquid that smelled like alcohol, reports stated.

They also noticed that the student smelled like alcohol and had a fake driver license in his wallet, reports stated.

The student told police that he got the license on the Internet. He was placed into the diversion program on suspicion of being a minor in possession of alcohol and having a fictitious driver license, reports stated.

Stolen CD player

Police have not found the person who broke into a student's car last weekend, reports stated.

The student parked his car near the Coronado Residence Hall, 822 E. Fifth St., early Saturday morning, reports stated.

When he returned later that day, he noticed one of the windows was smashed, his CD player was missing and his dashboard was damaged. The CD player is worth between $400 and $500, reports stated. Officers were able to get some fingerprints from the car window, reports stated.

Police Beat is compiled from official University of Arizona Police Department Records. For a complete list of UAPD activity, the daily resumŽ can be found at www.uapd.arizona.edu.


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