Ed Sapp RS Bell concrete worker
By Rebekah Jampole
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Tuesday October 8, 2002
Concrete worker ruminates on clumsy students, sandcastles and assault with a shovel
SAPP: We're just repairing this brick. It's settled down, so we're gonna put concrete under it and flatten it out so you guys don't trip.
WILDCAT: I've done that plenty of times. But don't you, secretly, kind of like to watch students just go by and trip?
SAPP: Oh, yeah. They're on their cell phones all the time, walking along and they trip.
WILDCAT: Nice. What's your favorite kind of candy?
SAPP: M & Ms.
WILDCAT: Are you partial to any specific color?
WILDCAT: You really don't think any color tastes better?
SAPP: It doesn't bother me either way.
WILDCAT: Well then, answer me this question: How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop?
SAPP: I have no idea.
WILDCAT: Don't you just want to know?
SAPP: No. Takes too much time. Just eat it.
WILDCAT: You guys have to be excited that the weather is changing.
SAPP: Oh, yeah, it's cooling down a little bit. It makes our jobs a little easier.
WILDCAT: Is it true that when you are out working in the heat you layer your clothes more, so that you sweat profusely; and when the wind blows it cools you off?
SAPP: Yeah, we all wear long sleeves with T-shirts under it.
WILDCAT: Really? That is so strategic. Who would've ever thought it? Are there any other tricks you guys do?
SAPP: We wear a bandanna around our necks, when it's real hot.
WILDCAT: That's a real creative one. Do you ever build sandcastles or cement castles?
SAPP: No, we just work usually.
WILDCAT: But there is always time for sandcastles, Ed!
SAPP: Nope, nope, not here.
WILDCAT: Well, do you ever knock anyone over the head with a shovel to whip Îem into shape?
SAPP: No, but I'd like to.