More than just books
After 13 years of planning, new bookstore doors set to open; but will students buy the upscale image it promises
If you had walked through the UofA Bookstore with its director Frank Farias one year ago, he would have pulled out artist renderings, administrative deadlines and taken you on an imaginary tour ÷ sifting through drawings every two minutes to show you what would theoretically come around the corner.
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Strike up the band
UA marching band celebrates start of 100th year, 50 years playing "Bear Down Arizona" fight song
The UA marching band that played in the first superbowl and Jimmy Carter's inaguration will take the football field again tomorrow, kicking off their hundredth season and heading toward the 50th birthday for UA's fight song "Bear Down Arizona."
Celebrations for "A Century of Pride" will culminate during Homecoming, when The Pride of Arizona band plans to cover the football field at the Homecoming game with the biggest crowd of alumni band members performing in UA history
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Beginners get lesson in scoring tickets
What students need to know to get football tickets in time
Fans hoping to get to and enjoy UA football games at Arizona Stadium this season need to plan ahead, show up early and know where to park or ride.
Phoebe Chalk, associate director of athletics, recommends that game-goers arrive early to allow for security checks.
"Don't wait until the last minute and expect to see kickoff," Chalk said. "Definitely plan ahead, and give yourself extra walking time."
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Trial dates set for Notre Dame football players accused of rape
By Helena Payne
The Observer
(U-WIRE) SOUTH BEND, Ind. ÷ Trial dates were set over the summer for the former football players charged with raping a University of Notre Dame female, according to the state prosecutor's office.
Lorenzo Crawford, Donald Dykes, Abram Elam and Justin Smith have all been expelled from the university for sexual misconduct.
The female student was allegedly raped March 28 in an off-campus house.
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On the Spot
Freshman reflects on first week, hot Tucson nights and possible advantages of ape-like arms
WILDCAT: So are you living here on campus?
CIEPIELA: Yeah, stadium dorms.
WILDCAT: How's that?
CIEPIELA: It's fun.
WILDCAT: Don't people come and make noise at the stadium during games?
CIEPIELA: Yeah, but there hasn't been a game yet, so ·
WILDCAT: What if you just want to walk out of your dorm in a towel or something?
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Fast facts:
During World War I, the punishment for homosexuality in the French army was execution.
The skeleton of an average 160 pound body weighs about 29 pounds.
Lettuce is a member of the sunflower family
Clint Eastwood's "spaghetti westerns" marked the beginning of a new era in cinematic violence. About fifty people were killed in A Fistful of Dollars (1964).
Dogs that do not tolerate small children well are the St. Bernard, the Old English sheep dog, the Alaskan malamute, the bull terrier and the toy poodle.
On this date:
In 30 B.C., Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, died. She is said to have committed suicide by allowing a poisonous snake to bite her breast.
In 1797, English novelist Mary Wollstonecraft, later Shelley by marriage, was born. She wrote the classic "Frankenstein."
In 1901, Herbert Cecil Booth patented the vacuum cleaner.
In 1932, Hermann Goering was elected president of the German Reichstag.
In 1945, Hong Kong was liberated when the British navy under Rear Adm. Cecil Harcourt sailed into Victoria harbor to accept the Japanese surrender.
In 1965, Casey Stengel announced his retirement after 40 years in baseball.
"Terrorism cannot be overcome by the use of force because it does not address the complex underlying problems. In fact, the use of force may not only fail to solve the problems, it may exacerbate them and frequently leave destruction and suffering in its wake."
÷ Dalai Lama on the U.S.-led war on terrorism