AnneMarie Ciepela pre-business freshman
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Friday August 30, 2002
Freshman reflects on first week, hot Tucson nights and possible advantages of ape-like arms
WILDCAT: So are you living here on campus?
CIEPIELA: Yeah, stadium dorms.
WILDCAT: How's that?
CIEPIELA: It's fun.
WILDCAT: Don't people come and make noise at the stadium during games?
CIEPIELA: Yeah, but there hasn't been a game yet, so ·
WILDCAT: What if you just want to walk out of your dorm in a towel or something?
CIEPIELA: Like, in the street?
WILDCAT: No, no, no. In the stadium, near your dorm.
CIEPIELA: Well, I already do. It's not, like, part of the stadium. It's, like it's own dorm ÷ just on the side of it.
WILDCAT: On that note, how's your first week been?
CIEPIELA: Good. I was ready.
WILDCAT: Where are you from?
CIEPIELA: Albuquerque, New Mexico.
WILDCAT: Why'd you choose UA?
CIEPIELA: It just has a really good business school. Close to home, close to Mexico. Just kidding.
WILDCAT: No you're not. So, how do you like the weather?
CIEPIELA: It's the same. Except at home it cools down 30 degrees at night, and here it doesn't.
WILDCAT: So, what is the weirdest thing you would do to cool off?
CIEPIELA: I've never thought about it.
WILDCAT: Go ahead and think about it. I'll wait.
CIEPIELA: I mean, cold showers, I guess, or jumping in a pool with my clothes on.
WILDCAT: Okay, so if you had the choice of either walking with your feet on backwards or walking on your hands, which would you choose and why?
CIEPIELA: Hands, because you would build arm muscles.
WILDCAT: But you would look like an ape.
WILDCAT: That's not a problem for you?
CIEPIELA: No, you're gonna have nice arms. Nobody is gonna care what you look like.