Ryan Nichols pre-business sophomore
By Nate Buchik
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Thursday November 7, 2002
Pre-business sophomore reflects on polling places, Homecoming and other (expletive deleted)
WILDCAT: Did you vote yesterday?
NICHOLS: No, I didn't.
WILDCAT: Why not?
NICHOLS: One, I didn't know where the hell to go.
WILDCAT: Are you registered?
WILDCAT: Who would you have voted for?
NICHOLS: Umm, I think the girl. They called me and said to vote for her. I don't pay attention. To tell you the truth, I don't give two (excrements).
WILDCAT: This weekend is Homecoming. What does Homecoming mean to you?
NICHOLS: When everyone that's been here comes back and relives the times. And it's a time to have a big party.
WILDCAT: So you'll be doing a lot of drinking?
NICHOLS: Yeah. My friend from Phoenix is coming down and my little sister. And we're all just going to get (very impaired). And you can quote me on that one.
WILDCAT: I think I'll quote you on all of this. So, aren't we going to kick UCLA's ass this weekend?
NICHOLS: I (truly) hope. We better.
WILDCAT: No, we're definitely going to lose. It was a trick question. We don't have a chance to win.
NICHOLS: No, I think positively. I'm feeling you don't have a lot of school spirit.
WILDCAT: Not in football, I guess. What's the score going to be this weekend?
NICHOLS: If we win, 23-18. And if we lose it will be ·
WILDCAT: 100-0?
NICHOLS: I'll say 55 to ·
WILDCAT: Zero? Negative eight?
WILDCAT: What's your favorite snack at the football game?
NICHOLS: When I'm sober, or drunk?
WILDCAT: Drunk, of course.
NICHOLS: Nachos and a hot dog.
WILDCAT: What about when you're sober.
NICHOLS: I don't eat that much at the games.
WILDCAT: Nachos and a hot dog?
WILDCAT: You're not sober at the games much, are you?
NICHOLS: No. It's just something about when you're (messed) up. Nachos and a hot dog and a Coke are just so good.