UA computers hacked daily
Unbeknownst to the majority of the UA population, computer hacking has been a serious problem on the university network, as 60,000 to 250,000 people break into the UA network's usual pattern of activity every day.
While most of these hits are simply reconnaissance scans during which hackers look for potential sites to break into, around 10 percent are targeted scans in which hackers attempt to enter the campus network illegally, said Ted Frohling, the principal network systems analyst for UA's Security Incident Response Team.
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Researcher under FDA investigation since 2000
FDA issued a warning letter in 2001, and has continued investigation to set penalty for cardiology researcher and UA
Top UA cardiology researcher and emeritus professor of medicine Frank Marcus is under investigation by the Food and Drug Administration for 18 violations of FDA regulations, prompting the UA to make several changes to the policies involving the use of animals for research.
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Grads would see largest tuition hike in Likins' plan
Proposal would raise grad student tuition by $250 more than undergraduates'
The graduate student community had mixed reactions to President Pete Likins' proposals to increase graduate student tuition by $250 more than the price undergraduates will pay next year.
Likins has proposed to increase tuition by $1,500 for non-resident graduate students, and either a $750, $1,000 or $1,500 increase for in-state graduate students.
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On the Spot
Swimming in canned cranberry sauce sounds great to On Deck Deli sandwich artist supervisor
WILDCAT: How was your Thanksgiving weekend?
AGEH: Pretty good. My son came down from NAU.
WILDCAT: Friday was one of the busiest shopping days of the year. Did you do any shopping?
AGEH: No, we went to the ASU-UA game. It was the last game of the year. I didn't want to miss it.
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U-WIRE: Texas A&M bonfire collapse victims honored at ceremony
COLLEGE STATION, Texas ÷ Standing 35 feet tall on a driving range in Magnolia, Texas, an off-campus bonfire was lighted Tuesday night under a starless sky to a crowd of more than 2,500 Texas A&M students, alumni and Magnolia residents.
The ceremony, which competed with the cold and rainy weather, began with a Silver Taps honoring the victims of the 1999 Aggie Bonfire Collapse followed by a hushed rendition of "The Spirit of Aggieland."
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U-WIRE: Pig-kissing food drive creates new way of helping the needy
GAINESVILLE, Fla. ÷ In an effort to solicit canned foods for needy families, the Black Law Students Association and John Marshall Bar Association Wednesday are hosting a professor "kiss the pig" charity event.
"We've been doing this charity drive for several years," JMBA President Chris Hand said.
"It's an effort to help donate food to the needy and hungry during the holiday season, and we do that by giving students the opportunity to embarrass their professors."
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U-WIRE: Police put stop to makeshift sex info center at UC-Berkeley
BERKELEY, Calif. ÷ Horny highjinks hit the University of California Berkeley Tuesday as students manned a makeshift sexual information center on campus.
Students camped out next to the "Tent of Consent" ÷ alongside a mattress for hands-on learning about sexual practices ÷ until UC police asked them to vacate their location adjacent to Wheeler Hall.
"We had an informational table with books that could provide sexual information ÷ we had condoms and lube and gloves," said tuxedo-clad UC Berkeley senior Ben Van Dusen, one of the group's members.
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Fast facts:
Bermuda has the highest per capita income in the world, except for the oil sheikdoms.
The U.S. interstate highway system requires that one mile in every five must be straight. These sections can be used as airstrips in a time of war or other emergencies.
The United States consumes 50 percent of the world's production of diamonds. However, there is only one diamond mine located in the U.S. ÷ in Arkansas.
A scrum is rugby's equivalent of a hockey face-off, except that it involves all those playing the position of forward on both teams.
A quality, fully-faceted round brilliant diamond has at least 58 facets. These are important for the maximum sparkle and brilliance of the stone.
While in Fraunces Tavern in New York City, George Washington bid farewell to his officers in 1783.
There are 1,783 diamonds on the Britain's Imperial State Crown. This includes the 309-carat Star of Africa.
On this date:
In 1805, Napoleon defeated Russia and Austria at the battle of Austerlitz. Known as the "Battle of the Three Emperors," Napoleon's 75,000 men drove the allies across the frozen Lake Menitz. Only 25,000 survived an original allied force of 95,000.
In 1887, Britain's acclaimed author Charles Dickens performed his first United States public reading in New York City.
In 1940, a seat on the New York Stock Exchange cost $33,000, the lowest price tag for a seat since 1899 when they sold for the bargain price of $29,500.
In 1982, the first permanent artificial heart was implanted in Dr. Barney Clark, a Seattle dentist, by Dr. William De Vries at the University of Utah. Clark survived with the artificial heart for over 3 months. He died on March 23, 1983.
In 1990, after German reunification, Chancellor Helmut Kohl's coalition of CDU/CSU and FDP won Germany's first free elections since 1932.
"South Africa's fight against AIDS has been massively hampered and harmed by government's dithering, denial and dissent from the orthodoxies associated with the disease."
÷ Tony Leon, leader of South Africa's Democratic Alliance, on World AIDS day.
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