Christina Ageh On Deck Deli supervisor
By Daniel Scarpinato
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Monday December 2, 2002
Swimming in canned cranberry sauce sounds great to On Deck Deli sandwich artist supervisor
WILDCAT: How was your Thanksgiving weekend?
AGEH: Pretty good. My son came down from NAU.
WILDCAT: Friday was one of the busiest shopping days of the year. Did you do any shopping?
AGEH: No, we went to the ASU-UA game. It was the last game of the year. I didn't want to miss it.
WILDCAT: The ASU sun devil was a little bit scary looking, don't you think?
AGEH: Yes, he was.
WILDCAT: Do you think Friday's loss to ASU is connected at all to Wilbur losing his guns earlier this semester? Could he not ward off the devil and his big pitch fork?
AGEH: No, I think ASU just wanted revenge.
WILDCAT: So what about Thanksgiving? You had turkey and everything.
AGEH: Oh yeah, we had all the trimmings.
WILDCAT: Do you think the founding fathers of the United States made the right decision in making the bald eagle the national symbol, and not the turkey ÷ because that was their original choice.
AGEH: I think they made the right decision because now everyone eats the turkey: so just think if that was the national bird!
WILDCAT: Imagine if they had made the turkey the national bird and we ate bald eagle on Thanksgiving.
AGEH: Turkey is much juicer and much better.
WILDCAT: Oh, have you had bald eagle before?
AGEH: No, I haven't.
WILDCAT: Good, because it's an endangered species, or at least it used to be. What about cranberry sauce ÷ homemade or the canned jelly kind?
AGEH: I like the jellied.
WILDCAT: If you could swim in a pool of cranberry sauce jelly or walk on the moon with no gravity, which would you choose?
AGEH: That's a tough one. I mean, I would love to go to the moon, but jelly is fun. It's all squishy. Yeah, it'd be fun.