Robin Covey Pre-pharmacy freshman
By Rebekah Kleinman
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Wednesday February 5, 2003
Pre-pharmacy student likes Spiderman, can't use a fire extinguisher, but wants to create a pill to cure cancer
WILDCAT: So you said you were a pre-farm major. You mean pharmacy right, not cows and goats?
COVEY: Yeah.
WILDCAT: Good, I thought you were going to be a farmer. So what are you learning about right now?
COVEY: Lots and lots of chemistry.
WILDCAT: Aren't you afraid you're going to blow something up?
COVEY: Yeah.
WILDCAT: So do you have people patrolling the labs with fire extinguishers, just in case?
COVEY: I know where all the fire extinguishers are. I just don't know how to use them.
WILDCAT: Good to know. So in case of a fire, you'll just throw the extinguisher on top of the flames. Nice. If you were going to make some kind of special drug what would it do?
COVEY: What do you mean?
WILDCAT: Like, a drug that will grow you wings and allow you to fly for a certain period of time.
COVEY: Probably make a pill that can cure cancer.
WILDCAT: That's so nice. Listen to me talking about flying and you're curing diseases. Who's the shallow one in this conversation? Ooh, but you know what else would be cool · bionic vision.
COVEY: Yeah, that would be.
WILDCAT: Who's your favorite super hero?
COVEY: Probably Spiderman.
WILDCAT: That's original. Are you a big Tobey Maguire fan?
COVEY: Not too much.
WILDCAT: From the neck down, he's okay, but that's about it. Not that I'm looking, because I'm married, and Spiderman in no way compares my husband. Actually, my husband thinks he's Spiderman. Just kidding.
COVEY: That's interesting.
WILDCAT: Do you think Spiderman would eat this big juicy hamburger smothered in chili that we see here on this Carl's Jr. ad?
COVEY: I don't know. I don't think he'd eat it. It's more of a weapon.
WILDCAT: Yeah. He could throw it at someone and they'd be like, "Ahhh, I have chili in my eye."
COVEY: Yes. That would be pretty funny. Yeah.