By Monica Warren
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Monday, September 13, 2004
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ASUA senators announced plans to hold a town hall meeting to address concerns about the cancellation of the December university-wide commencement ceremony.
A special Senate meeting was called Friday to approve funding for the town hall, which will take place Wednesday at 1 p.m. in the Kiva Auditorium of the Student Union Memorial Center.
After the seemingly sudden decision to cancel the ceremony, strong feelings have surfaced from different parts of the university community, said ASUA senator Steven Eddy.
"The town hall will serve as an opportunity for any student, faculty, staff or community member to come and voice their concerns and ask questions," Eddy said.
"This is our ceremony," Eddy said. "It's not a ceremony for the deans, not a ceremony for the president. It's for the students, and that's what they're taking away."
Eddy said the format of the town hall will be "an equal share" of time between student body president Alistair Chapman and a person who supports the commencement changes, Eddy said.
Alumni and students will also speak and there will be an open questions session for members of the audience, Eddy said.
"I believe the decision can be reversed if the student voices are heard," Eddy said. "We are a presence here."
Associate Dean of Students Alexis Hernandez said, based on his understanding, the ultimate decision to reinstate the commencement ceremony or to keep the changes in place comes from President Peter Likins.
Likins could not be reached for comment because he is out of town until Friday.
Hernandez said it's important to get student reactions to the subject.
"If that's the best way for ASUA to get input on the decision, that's great," he said.
Eddy said a memo will be in the mailboxes of over 1,300 deans, faculty and administration today, advertising the town hall.
"We want to get student voices heard," said ASUA senator Nathan Bell. "There was never a conversation between students and the administration on this, and that is what we would like to have."