Arizona Daily Wildcat
Friday, September 16, 2005
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"Students stumbling around drunk will cross paths and start fighting." - Chris Melton, undeclared freshman, on how CatsRidde, a proposed program that would provide rides for students on late Friday and Saturday nights, could prevent students from fighting
"If students are willing to come up with money to support this, then the school should do the same or at least meet them halfway." - Albert Tarcola, Facilities Management director, on how Facilities Management plans to match funds raised up to $75,000 by the Associated Students of the University of Arizona and the Energy Conservation and Lifestyles Initiative Partnering Students and their Environment, a nonprofit student group that first worked toward the goal of introducing solar energy projects to campus last year
My friends are excited, and my boyfriend is very happy, but my parents are kind of traditional.
-Leah Russo, communication junior, on posing for Playboy's "Girls of the Pa-10" issue
"This is mass chaos. To tell you the truth, I'd rather be in Iraq. You got your constant danger, but I had something to protect myself. Three meals a day. Communications. A plan. Here, they had no plan." - Sgt. Jason Defess, National Guard MP stationed at the Superdome, on the official response to Katrina, having returned from a 14-month tour in Iraq in January
"I think it was primarily a political vote that didn't go our way." - Mike Candrea, Arizona softball and Team USA head coach, on the International Olympic Committee's voting softball and baseball out of the 2012 games in London. One school of thought supposed that softball was axed due to the United States' dominance of the sport, only giving up one run in its undefeated 2004 campaign
"You know, the better scripts I've seen lately have been comedy scripts." - Vince Vaughn, comedian, on how his comedy tour coincides with making mostly comedy films
"There's a lot more to life than video games, studying and sleeping." - Political science senior lecturer James Todd
"We know for a fact that the door was not propped open. Why are they lying? It's almost comical to see what it shows on the tape and what they say in the report." - Jon Burckle, Kappa Sigma fraternity president on undercover police entering his fraternity to issue minor in possession charges.